Dutch Returns To The Jungle in Predator: Hunting Grounds

I was saying that the novel will be available on may 26th. That’s how I find out the dlc would probably be released on the same date.

Ah, I see now. My bad. The novels available to buy now, it’s just shipping times are long because of this scam-demic. Where did they announce the novel though, because I knew about the DLC the moment they announced it here but don’t remember seeing anything about the novel.

There was a post on pred lore and a guy talked about the novel. So I went to some kind of wiki page about the novel and the release date was to be expected on may 26th. I’ll check if I can find the link again.

Edit : if you write predator stalking shadow on google, it is shown that the official release date is on may 26th

They’re letting you order it now on eBay, it’s not listed as being preorder or anything about release date.
Pred lore? I’ll check that out👍🏼

I went on another wiki page and it seems that in the UK the novel was released on may 14th. I don’t know if someone can confirm. In the US at least the official date is may 26th.

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You can wipe a team in 80 secs and go back to waiting 5-15 mins, even more for some, for a match.
Lmao just kidding, very good play.
Still it’s true tho

if the skin 1987 Jungle Hunter looks identical to the FILMS predator.
It is THE Predator from the Film, making your reason to them not being able to come back because their dead invalid.

Lets just see what happens because everything you and I are posting is purely speculation anyway.

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You are right. I preordered the book in UK and it was listed as release day may 14th. Not sure about Northe America.

I believe you were referring to me from the lore post, if I recall, we had a good chat over there.:)

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Do you remember AvP 2 ? pvp mode has 3 classes like in this game. More classes more tactics - for some variety.

Damn you guys are lucky ! Guess I’ll have to wait a bit, I might check if there’s some scan before I buy it. Yeah I was talking about our exchange which was pretty interesting !

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You disgusting, you are swindlers. I hope you spend it all in strips. I have paid 60 bucks for smoke, this is a damn early access but very early. the only thing you deserve is a class action lawsuit. some will say for 60 or 40 bucks it is not worth … Let’s put this case: 500,000 copies of output are sold (being generous). Of which 25% believe that it is a scam (counting very low), that throws an amount to 40 bucks per copy of 5,000,000. It is a real shame that people do not claim their rights, this is all it does is enhance micro-scams. Predator coming soon f2p financed from the money of those who cheated to pay for a game empty of content and full of bugs and a matchmaking that seems designed by developers with serious brain damage. I hope you sink like the titanic. You are a disgrace to Sony. I hope you all end up fired. and with 60 scammed bucks I leave this game like many other ps4 players. BURGLARS

I hope they can somehow fit the original team in as playable skins (even though they’re all dead.)

I got a mean hankering to play as Billy.

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Spotting is done to more then the predator and separating objects from the predator spotting could be tricky but I’ve already suggested 1 per fireteam with a cooldown and fuck making me only be able to do it with one class or the other limiting my gameplay choices, in quickplay with 4 to 1, predator only people need to watch what they ask for or they may end up waiting forever because nobody will want to play fireteam and some of us certainly dont want to go through making a bunch of new friends just to have a chance as fireteam be careful not to make the game too one sided

I suggest everyone can spot but it doesn’t highlight the predator in green. They can spam spot all day, long as it doesn’t wall hack you… in essence long as it doesn’t outline your body… they can put markers up all day. Give the recon a new ability instead of spot, his primary weapon does 5 percent more dmg. Reversal of scout role. so recon can muddy up longer and more dmg on his sniper, while scout is fast and his secondary does more dmg.

As a ft person I still think it should have a cooldown but still green head it then I dont get a screen full of eye symbols that block my aim at distance and the green head drops fairly quick not to be replaced immediately it last like 10 seconds and takes at least a minute before they can do it again it would keep the game edgy without the predator having to be op to win

i like recon too but i never spot the predator, i want him to stay where he is . I wish I filmed more of my FT game-play but nobody want to see that… They want to see only pred vs FT cause it is a mismatch inmo. I win a shit ton of Predator games vs really good premades with friends I know that play CS GO and quake champions competitively and they win too sometimes… 60 percent in favor of a really good predator. On short missions the FT wins. On a super competitive level is all depends on map and if you can get on them early. I also go around to camps as scout and look for medikits to destroy. I start off with bow and quick swap to plasma with perk weapon swap perk. invis are useless. My perks are usually downrange bio mask and second wind cd perk. The bullet penetration perk is useless cause if your getting hit your doing something wrong.

i hope they pring a new predator class.

Predator Clans would be cool. bad Bloods, elites, etc

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Unfortunately, I never got to play the AvP games.

In a way there is a codown for spotting, you can only spot a few times (number depends on class I think) and then you can’t spot again for a while. That applies to the items as well. The more practical way is only allowing Scout and Recon to be able to actually place a spot marker on the Predator, to reduce all 4 team members spam spotting.
Speaking of cooldowns, they might want to think about a cooldown for the slamspam.

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Yeah, that’s a nightmare most of the time.