Dutch Returns To The Jungle in Predator: Hunting Grounds

“closer” and “day of” are two very different concepts


That…that film…what the actual fuck? Feminator: Damp Fart more like. So, the Terminator killed John Conner, felt he had lost his purpose (Agent Smith wants to know your location), so decided to help Sarah track other Terminators from an alternate timeline he could not have known possible, settled down and married a single mother, and has a passion for Drapes??? And on top of all that insulting nonsense, we have the LGBTQ1000 trying to save Dora The Explorer, who is now the future savior because “fuck white cis male John Conner”, from the T-JuanThousand? I will never watch that movie, I’ve seen enough reviews to know that if I do it will destroy what my mind thinks of when Terminator is mentioned. They should have gone back to Salvation and tried again, because there was potential there. Dark Fate was just “muh identity politics in the style of Terminator” and James Cameron needs to be put out of his misery.

Back on topic, the update…like, where the fuck is it? Australia is getting close to 27th May already. Maybe for part 2 of this DLC schedule you could be a bit more specific with when you’re releasing it, and you know TALK TO US.

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The Screen Rant Pitchmeeting for the film nailed it 100%


I fucking love Ryan, he’s hilarious. "Super easy, barely an inconvenience! Subverting expectations is tight!"🤣🤣 Pitch Meetings is the only reason Screen Rants has most of its subscribers because the rest of their content is garbage.

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100% I only watch them for films I don’t like though because I don’t want them to ruin ones I do! :P

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So is the DLC or patch coming out today or just nah?

I wonder when it will be released today. Its already almost 3 in the afternoon here in Finland.

Your guess is as good as mine… It’s nearly 1300 GMT, not a sign nor a whisper…it’s too damn quiet.


Literally the entire playerbase to Illfonic right now:


Damn, they done got my hopes up again and for nothing…

Cinema Sins and Pitch Meetings have saved me thousands in cinema ticket fees and hours of my life I would have otherwise wasted watching garbage. They are essential in this current era of “woke” dumpster fires.


The previous patches were released around this time if I remember right.

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Of course… You don’t get MAC… DILON… BLAIN… ;)… because Dutch is old

Si il font ça je n’y joue pas !!!

Je ne pal pas de fraincais oder so

Scuse me xD

Predator is good you just have to know what your doing dont go running in to the fire team hoping for an easy win

Du müsstest sagen “Je ne comprend pas francais” xD

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