Easy Build: Acid Damaged Broken Tusk Build

(Hey guys! I’m so sorry but the Nightstorm Predator will have to be pushed back due to issues, however I have other videos lined up and I thought this one would be cool for any comicbook lovers! This was my take on Broken Tusk, the one who can kill Xenomorphs with his bare hands)

Broken Tusk / Dachande Lore:
Broken Tusk or Dachande was a Yautja
Leader and Clan Leader. He led several young Un-blooded Yautja to Ryushi for their first Hunt against Xenomorphs, but when their ship was accidentally destroyed by Dr. Kesar Revna and Dachande was incapacitated, the remaining students found themselves stranded and leaderless, and would go on to be led by Tichinde in an insubordinate hunt against the humans from the colony of Prosperity Wells, as well as the Xenomorphs plaguing the colony. The debacle ultimately led to Dachande siding with the humans, specifically the colony administrator Machiko Noguchi. Dachande himself survived the incident, only to succumb to wounds received fighting a Queen at the colony, dying shortly after blooding Noguchi as a worthy hunter.

Dachande was a very skilled fighter, single-handedly taking on many Xenomorphs at a time and sustaining few injuries, if any. He was so prodigious at killing Xenos, that he would handicap himself in his later hunts solely for the sheer challenge of it. Furthermore, he demonstrated great strength when fighting fellow Yautja, easily overpowering rival Top-Knot despite the size difference, and effortlessly killing Tichinde in a short duel.


Sorry guys somethings up with the video, I’ll be uploading another to takes its place.

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OKAY EVERYONE! New videos up! I hope you enjoy so sorry about that😅

Nice build - you are keeping his look as accurate as possible given the assets we have in game. Now just imagine what if Illfonic would actually give us him as a DLC rather than some Viking or Cleopatra cosplay bullshit that no one was asking for?
I was working on his armour some time ago, its not hard to build it using just the assets we have in game just now, all it would take from Illfonic is some good will, few hours of work and 2, maybe 3 cans of pepsi –

This was assembled using JH and Elder armours. Body in armour is from JH, but hunter and elder will fit as well. My only reference was AvP comic book.

If not a new class than a elite style armour for hunter class. Keep in mind all 3d assets presented above are intellectual property of illfonic APART from the mask. That on is mine XD


DUDE THIS LOOKS AWESOME! let alone you went out your way trying to create something unique! I won’t lie I’d love to have a armor piece where a Xenomorph head is squar middle in the chest but it just doesn’t seem possible with IllFonic not wanting to reach into Alien territory. Even though they have AVP callback masks in the game, but good work man and yeah I did try as best as possible and only hope others can enjoy it

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