El diablo cazador de hombres

A la RAE? Que dice hermano? Queres pleito?

Primero escribe bien XD

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Quieres que te quite la coluna entera. Eso es que estoy entendiendo.

@CCD_Wuffell before that last thread got lockedā€¦as I was saying.

Hey, I want a piece of you. Iā€™m taking your team down or at least with me. Accept this challenge you mere human with a mouse!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA felicidades escribiste todo un parrafo solo con una falta de ortografĆ­a XD

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Iā€™m pretty sure you wouldnā€™t have say that youā€™re invincible if you had fight against Psychobabas and Mr mojo rising team. But thatā€™s juste my opinionā€¦

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No hombre yo estoy interesado en batalla. My ortografia esta bien como esta.

ā€¦did you just say Psychobabas. The predator killer himself? I can not deny the truth.

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The hell is going on here?

Did we have a match where I got stuck on a rail and couldnā€™t move from there? I believe that was you. Not a victory my friend.

EstĆ” tan bien como la pelĆ­cula de The predator de 2018 XD

Maje ya basta con las babosadas. Quieres peliar?

@CCD_Translucid wait a minute that was you who lit me up while I was stuck on a rail. All I remember was the immaculate accuracy. Now the question is where is my rematch? I originally thought it to be @CCD_Wuffellā€¦my bad.

Whatā€™s your in game name? Because Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve fought you 2 other times at least

Epic ID: ItAintNoMan

Yep, fought you likeā€¦ 3 other times not counting that rail bullshit

Well put emā€™ up then. I recently bought valk not using the scout anymore. I believe my skills have improved.