ELDER needs armour and skin shaders!

Title says it all, really disappointed that you can’t change the armour shader or the skin for the Elder Predator! People want to use the class but they want to be able to make it unique too! Also a shame that it’s gender locked, I’m sure we have some people here who will be grinding to 150 to make a female Elder and will be sad to see it gender locked!

Please add these options Illfonic :)


Nah I dont think so.

You’d prefer to be locked to the base customisation then? Like to keep it nice and bland eh

Well you can customize the mask. But the rest is perfect the way it is just like the 87 pred sorry that you have no eye for a perfect model but its okay

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L m a o

Awwwww little salty boy needs shaders and skins wahhhhh

i think i know why they didnt add for the elder…
everybody will only play him…and the other classes will be forgoten.

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Its the same limitation like with 87 original predator. But they have added tints for 87’s mask, so mayby we will get those in time

idk about that, I have 87’s original and only use it when faceing full PC FT - any other time I go in with a scout. I have notice that when I’m on FT there is not that many 87’s running about. Yestarday I had about 100 games(was rushing to finish weekly challange XD) and saw 87 only twice or three times at the most

Yes, but one thing you dont consider is that the 87 is a clone of hunter.

Therefore there is no reason to play it.

Elder is… well quite frankly in my opinion the new best class (Based off stats alone, as I havent played him yet)

Elder has speed close to scout, while also having gear close to berz. He likely has decent stamina as well.

That means that the only downside is his health and possibly energy. (And if he has the ability to permacloak like the hunter does, with certain perks. Jesus. Hes gonna be damn strong.

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In reality, he is what all preds should be to some extent.

He can drop a trap, be invis forever, and when someone gets snared, down them with a bow. All while taking no damage.

When he does get spotted he has the speed to dip, and with the extra gear slots, the ability to heal, and even drop audio decoys to mask that escape.

Sure he doesnt have a lot of health but when everything else is in your favor, that doesnt matter much.

Im not saying hes op. Nor am I saying that all of this will actually work as I havent taken the time to even try to grind 150 yet (still 103 lol)

Im just saying on paper he very well could become the best class.

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@Lazycollinator Bro everything you said is what i do expect I use the hand held instead of the bow, if you just stand still to become invisible and hold the downs then you can just spam plasma all day and if they find you, adrenal boost then fuckin leap 4 times with full stamina it’s crazy, he’s actually so far my favorite class rn

lol you running elder? hows the energy on him? can you perma it with the cloak and energy regen perks?

ill be honest. Im not personally mad as an 87 owner.

But man if elder isnt a kick in the nuts for anyone who has jungle hunter 87.

Basically a free worn down but imo cooler 87 for everyone


and that roar is tasty.

@Lazycollinator I don’t even need energy refill perks, he’s got good energy and it refills pretty quick too. If you get him I’d say remove impenetrable and out energy cells that on him then, I run impenetrable so he’s on par with hunters base health

can you do me a favor and run those two mods and see if the cloak drains energy at all? Im about 47 levels away from being able to test myself.

the energy regen and reduced cloak drain ones. (I always forget the names when im not in game.)

I got you, I’ll run it and count to see how long the cloak lasts default and with the mods

if im correct it will likely last infinitely, or close to infinitely. Of course if you fire the plasma caster then it will drain but the cloak alone wont drain it. Thermal will tho.

yes, cuz there arent a lot of people that use 87 class. if i knew about it i could probably use it too right now…but i dont have it.
and elder…is soemthing else…87 is just basicly normal hunter, some of us wants to play it, some of us they dont.

Jesus Christ @Lazycollinator

I just tested it and the results are something 😂

Base Energy: Cloak Only - 2:16:96
Cloak and Heat Vision - 1:30:16

With Energy Cells and Light Bender: Cloak Only - 5:50:98 (lol wut)
Cloak and Heat Vision - 2:10:25

Also if ya want you can also put the heat vision perk has your third perk and have an energy only class 😂😂

But if you need a third perk then I HIGHLY recommend adrenal boost for elder, it’s like a must need, makes him into a horse 😂