Ellen Page is a dude?

GTA character creation was real life all along!


Boys play with barbies and grow up to be a lot of things. Playing with dolls doesn’t say anything about how you identify or what your sexuality will look like as an adult.
There’s not enough research into brains, and it isn’t a thing we can say for certain, that there are male or female brains. The anecdotal way it was explained to me, by a teacher friend, was that if you take your hands and hold them up so they face each other and interlace your fingers, the one hand represents biologically male(xy) brains and the other is biologically female(xx) brains. Hormone levels determine your finger placement high testosterone is the pinky, high estrogen is the index (there is more to it then just them but this is an example). Everyone’s brain chemistry falls on a finger but that finger changes over time, men for instance might start at the pinky when they are young but move to the ring finger or middle one as they age. There are 7 billion different brains on earth there is a very wide variety. Some are at different fingers, it’s built right into biology.

I’m not non binary, and it isn’t about feeling special as far as I know. Like I said earlier, I believe if it’s in pursuit of happiness, it isn’t anyone else’s business. It doesn’t hurt anyone and it’s their choice.

They aren’t defining themselves as something other than their biology, gender is a construct that exists separately from biology. You’re issue seems to be that you think they are inseparable, but we define what they mean. Biology isn’t less biology because gender is more expansive than a binary. Gender has been varied for all of human history, it isn’t a new thing to be trans. There are more options for trans people but that’s their business, it isn’t necessary to have surgery or take hormones.

Look if you want to debate reality could you define it for me, that word has a plethora of meanings. To me reality is all the matter in the universe and all of the forces spread out over time, there’s plenty of room for more than 2 gender expression within our species, let alone all of reality. The world is changing and is unlikely to change back for your comfort.

Perhaps her dying career had an impact on her decision to “come out”

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So an imaginary descrepancy hijacked to make imaginary terms. Or gender = fashion trends? And then did you ask your “teacher friend” to try to define gender without reference to biological sex? Equating behavior, interests, and fashion sense with having the “wrong parts” or pretending its some spectrum is a joke. Historically people have identified as animals, skinny, fat, gods, possessed by demons, and worn different clothing how brave. Let’s pretend its valid though because it validates my feelings. 100+ genders under the rainbow!

A purely metaphysical thing defining, ‘everything to do with sex that isn’t material’.
The problem is that no such things exist. There is nothing to do with anything that isn’t material but good luck with that charade and your nonsense descrepancies that ironically rely on a carcature of what is/isnt male or female behavior within a magic hormonal spectrum. Pure linguistics garbage. We can leave it at “gender is made up” as you will never know what its like to be a woman and i’ll never know what it’s like to be a man, even if we “decide” otherwise. Make sense?

lol you’re the one fighting the uphill battle not me.
Coming from the side saying people should play by others rules that make them feel comfortable, to the point where your philosophy can only exist via the censorship of opinions. Accepting reality will help you more than trying to bend it to your will and failing.

You can be an effeminate man if you want, you can be a masculine woman if you want, but you can’t be a man who uses female pronouns and act like everyone else is LITERALLY HITLER because that’s a direct rejection of reality. The world doesn’t revolve around the individual and their sexual preferences.

It’s roleplay dependent on being surrounded by yesmen, sorry.


Race is also a social contruct and today I am a transracial east asian by the way. Don’t oppress me.


I don’t really see progress as a battle, I just see you as someone who’s obviously trapped in the past. Your reality is obviously very small and just doesn’t encompass all that is human. Don’t worry though, just like homosexuality isn’t anything to be concerned with, neither are Trans people.

What you believe doesn’t really matter, it’s just an opinion and you show your worth through how you treat people who are different than you. I never censored your opinion, you are entitled to be a bigot.

Take your own advice, trans people have always been here, reality isn’t going to change to make your narrow view true.

Yes you can. As an example, Elliot is a him, get over it.

It doesn’t revolve around your opinion either.
Gender identity and sexual preference aren’t tied together either.

It is and one that should be abandoned (I don’t subscribe to it but am respectful of those that do). It isn’t up to me to tell people how to identify.

Peak comedy.

So while trying to learn about your very progressive very imaginary (very scientific) charade this whole gender meme (the part that wasnt protestants not wanting to see the world sex) spawned from a “sexologist” John “not even a psych degree btw” Money.

In a study involving brothers where one had a damaged penis that was removed due to circumcision error, he decided to try to convince him he was a woman for “science” including having the brothers simulate sex acts.
And the end of the study was both brothers killing themselves.
I am laughing under the circumstances you are drinking this koolaid. But not at the dead people, delusions should be properly treated as such. But i’m against the exploitation of sick people, makes me a bigot xd

Rejecting reality does more harm to the mind than the initial trauma that gets these people here to begin with.


I know identify myself as a microwave.

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i like Koolaid!

So your example is about a monster who did things to other people, not about people making a choice for themselves… you love your false equivalencies don’t you.

Thats your champion of gender studies I don’t follow the guy lmao. No need to make it sound like the brothers were slaves.

He isn’t my guy.

You shouldn’t get so upset about other people’s decisions, they don’t cause you any harm.

I didn’t. You’re complete lack of empathy says volumes though.

Until you impose your personal traumas onto me and expect me to roleplay with you, yes. That and you put people in a position to be exploited but whatever tolerance badge helps you sleep at night.

I treat people how they ask to be treated for the most part.

No one is imposing anything on you, way to make yourself a victim.

Then they had a choice. I’m unempathetic because I’m not interested in playing pretend?

Holier than thou, aren’t you a beacon of humanity

Canadians always in violation of my NAP!

You’re talking about abuse, not a trans person.

Anyway, you enjoy being mad because reality doesn’t match your expectations.

It’s not abuse its the science behind gender xd! But yes sick people are easily exploited, more news at 11.

You keep saying this but i’m not the one pretending a female is a guy because shes balding lol

I now identify as Mark Zuckerberg…doesn’t that mean I should have access to his bank account and side pieces too?😉

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No it was abuse, it wasn’t science and it doesn’t prove anything one way or the other. It was a cruelty preformed under a convenient excuse.

That all got to say, I don’t see the harm it causes you and you can’t seem to answer with any, so have a good night.