Empty Lobies

The thing where you wait for a Predator match and get placed into a lobby with one maybe two people is happening again, and no one ever joins those lobbies no matter how long you wait. It’s absolutely ridiculous after waiting for no less than 7 minutes per queue. It stretches a wait from “7:00” to 30+ minutes because you can’t find a lobby. And to put the cherry on top, it forever says placing sometimes and never loads you in. I’ve played since the beta and its never been this bad, and I’m on PS4 and I’m in the U.S.


Lol i waited for almost an hr as predator and i get put into empty lobbies
its the same thing for fire team queues too
I am on PC and i also live in the US
its like sometimes the game doesnt want me to play at all

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Yep. Looks like they finally fixed the log out issues on PC but the lobbies are now in a worse state.

Every other lobby i join as FT, a full team ends up waiting several minutes for a Pred to join and i keep joining empty lobbies as Pred. If one person leaves the lobby, others will too. Back to square one since the fucking lobbies remain empty if people leave.

It’s always something with their backend.


I posted about the same thing few hours ago but it’s not good if it’s happening more and more


I can’t tell you what’s been happing to you but I’ve been having no problems lol and I also play wit my priv team buddy’s 24/7 if your on ps4 slide the psn


this game is dying.
There’s no help from the devs.
Old problems are still happening
New ones appeared after the last patch
There’s no gamemodes, no maps, no effective matchmaking.
That’s it.


That’s trash that even the FT wait times are like that for you. We’ll see if the servers implode while they take their week off lol

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That’s the thing, sometimes my game is fine and I’m able to find consistent games every 5~7 minutes, but more consistently lately it’s been wait 12 minutes for an empty lobby or wait 10 minutes and place for 2 minutes and then an infinite “connecting” wait unless I cancel. I love this game, it’s just really frustrating when you wait for 12 minutes just to go into a lobby with one guy who eventually leaves.

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Make friends private lobby with them, the ps4 group on this forum has been having a blast, predator lottery where 4 people select it to randomize it, we play out the round then switch

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Fyi if you have friends that play and can invite they can be invited, I ended up in a shorthanded match yesterday this exact way though it timed out before the 4th showed it was a quickplay that I was invited to the lobby. Sure bring these things up so they fix them but this game is far from dead so don’t spread nonsense that isnt true


FT 30 seconds and pred is like 5 minutes consistantly. Where are you located central u.s. could be the server your connecting to.

Are you on PC or PS4 ??

Because no one wants to play as FT anymore

Nobody likes waiting 10-20 min for a predator only player to get in a match only to find empty slots and have to start over , or get in a match against pc super snipers with xray vision like the AI that ends within minutes, or a potatoe team that just wants to hide under a building till the timer runs out… i get about 2 or 3 rounds in before im disgusted and just quit…

There is too many players leaving the lobbies without waiting, too.

Some times I saw players entering the lobbies… but people are not waiting.

PC. Also why all the hate on PC on this community? I see so much flak on us because we can spot better? Is it cause mouse and keyboard is more precise than joysticks? I dont have any issues spotting if a pred is moving.


Agreed - in some (not all) cases, just waiting an additional 30-45 seconds will have a player or players pop into the lobby to fill the remaining empty slots. To your point though, people aren’t waiting and want the lobbies full immediately (which it should be full each time).

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It’s hard to play as FT, too… empty loobies everytime

Lol im taking about finding matches as predator or fireteam on PC
Which is the main problem
not spotting predator lol

For the last couple hours I have been finding matches as pred within 10 mins, but last round my game crashed mid battle with an FT member and since then I’m stuck in matchmaking :/ not sure why now I sometimes crash mid game, only seemed to happen to me since the 1.10 patch, but when it happens like I said, I end up not being able to find any lobbies. Not sure if it’s related or not.