End the ban on DhRauta

The only time I’ve liked your meme post xD.

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Do you still like turtles, bro?

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But then what’s the point of having forum rules if they aren’t adhered to?

What did he actually do?

I don’t actually care what he did, but here’s the chances of me supporting an end to this ban. zero-point-zero

He slipped and fell and hit his keyboard, accidentally posted bara

Freak accident temp ban

The only thing I ever saw him say was “Git Gud” , and he didn’t try to help newbs. Just “Git Gud”. Granted I don’t see everything, but I’m not sure how that could possibly help anyone.

Hey og forum peeps, memeber DeadEyeBuddha lmao proabbaly the same kid lol. but fer real if he got banned then it was for a reason. Just saying.

I dont think so. I think he is someone else


What is bara?

What did dhrauta do exactly?

Have a meltdown about the last patch

We should have a party on his return

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I can understand that 😁

I think he would appreciate that, till the 31st he can be with us in spirit.

Git gud

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Im sure that day is going to be funny as fuck. Cant wait for that bump

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