EPIC long range bow shot Vids only

Post your long range archery skills. Were looking for over 100 meter shots

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were looking for way further.

I honestly don’t think the arrows go that far. I’ve tried to shoot FT’s from the helipad to the rooftops on derailed and 1 of 2 things happen:

  • The arrow lands in the ground midway
  • If you aim high enough to compensate for the arc the arrow disappears in the air and doesn’t land anywhere
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on derailed i shot someone from the top of the mopuntain on derailed all the way to the roof top. They didnt die but thats my furthest… never thought anything of it.

Look at them all come runnin over.
hE’s OvEr heeRe!
DaT waY someWHerE!
thRow an AcIG!

Actually, the arrows will keep going until they hit something or the ground.

I’ve tested this with a friend on airstrip from one corner of the map to the cell tower. The projectile drop was really far though. I had to aim way over target.

I dont have footage of a long shot, but of a nice headshot


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