Eurpeans: Your first take on your freedom

thats difficult here. Nobody has your back over here. By over here, i mean in a democratic society. Like i said, if you’re not in a union it is more difficult to find people behind you. Even still, you need influence.

Depends, do you surround yourself with people who are real and true friends that you can rely to back you up? Or are they backing you up in your “democracy” for something real or palpable or some ludicrous idea?

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Yeah, politics are very difficult to come by unless you find yourself easily won over or win people over.

Awe I saw this pop up in the forum menu and thought it was that troll tenor (1)

Almost the opposite over here. We are always in an uncomfortable zone. We only know the top of the ladder, and usually no way to get there. But there are a few people who have a voice but they are usually on contract. We must be the complete inverse of the world both politically and financially. or maybe getting along in a moderate financial situation .

Politics is tricky as heck. Better see yourself staying over to the sane side of it and more towards freedoms and liberties, especially ones of expression than on the wrong side of things.

You must learn not to abuse those things mentioned above as well. Since we talk about politics.

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This song takes me back, but brings to mind alot of societies aggeviations and dependancies.
After the pendemic i feel all the call outs in the song lyrics are going to be heard once again.

Europe is not what others know about it …
Its a zone where eastern and western ideology are “still” fighting each other come and have a taste of it
We all know for sure that our politics are controled and payed by the big ones
Keeping the mass retard and get them talked about unuseles things (including pandemic) is the main goal of them.
Freedom is nowhere even in the united states.
I hope europe can shine again like 100 of years ago and where people didnt thought that 1 country can colonize and rule about the whole planet
Fuck capitalism fuck comunism and all other forms of controlling the mass

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Extended family or the mafia have your back. Both can still betray you but the odds are better than trusting the normal joe. Better join a powerful corporation or gang before you turn into toast… welcome to Cyperpunk 2021.

For starters I don’t think a gaming forum is the right place to search for insight if you are serious about moving to the other side of the Atlantic :-)

I’m European myself, and I don’t think that I would be the right one to provide it either, even though I have traveled most of Europe, been to a couple of Asian countries, a visit to Africa, been a tourist in USA and lived abroad in another European country culturally different from my own.

I assume that you live in the states.

If I was sitting in my home country and thinking of moving to another country, I would start to frequent forums for expats and ask advice there from people with the same cultural background as myself. That way you will probably get answers that are more useful to you in regard to what to expect in terms of living and working. The terms of your stay would probably be different as there are other rules for Europeans from countries from the Europeans Union than there are for those outside. I believe that many Americans have tried, or are trying out, new lives in other parts of the world just like many other nationalities. I know for certain that there many Americans in Copenhagen as I have run into quite lot before many of the places where you go to socialize in Copenhagen got closed due to covid-restrictions.

I wish you the best of luck in the hunt for a new adventure.

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The current state of the pandemic doesn’t make moving to another country attractive but I get your concern. A Gaming community is far more aggravating to get an honest answer as there are so many people here with their own personal and immature obligations. I just think that the idealization of immigration and immigration is at best misconceived or mis-educated right now more than ever.

Why not?

If we are on a off-topic forum of a game community we are still human beings trying to communicate about the topic at hand just as you would in another place over the Internet or a bar. Just as you would in any other place. We are sharing points of view and information from experiences as far as we have.

Why so narrow over the topic? Even for the sake of a conversation. Meh.

Who says any one in this day age is human

@Eshtion Get high on the Moon. Dont get burned by the Sun.

“Who says any one in this day age is human” is that even a question or…?

The world is a harsh palce, but as I was talking about in a speech when I reviewed a depiction of an ancient parable with the same name, Renaissance painting of “the good samaritan” by Bassano - 1562, altruism and benevolence is part and a definitive trait of our evolution as a species. And despite all the horrible stuff out there and the cruelty of our nature, altruism is a side we should try to embrace with open arms.

Might sound a bit cliché or corny or stupid taken out of a cheesy movie or book, but…
If we aren’t good with ourselves and eachother as human beings or try to be, then what difference does it make another tomorrow.

We are human beings. Simple. What we need to is try to be the best with us and others. And that’s the best part of being a human being.

I just like pestimistic humor :( :P

Okay, humor is cool.

Don’t get too dragged down by negative stuff. We need to keep up the frontline here with this game and see where this goes. I want some nice DLC and plenty of good game stuff to talk about how to do things better.

Don’t worry about me I’m the most optimistic person here about this game.

lol no.
Never been a thing. Not even at the highest or lowest levels of society.
Actual altruism (the kind that has consequences) is irrational, not a trait at all. Benevolence is a side effect of relative peace and a comparatively sedentary lifestyle and still just exists to progress social standing & perceptions.

If either wasn’t the case we wouldn’t need a legal system in place to keep people from bashing eachother’s heads in with a rock. Everyone’s out to get something, just most people are rational enough to weigh costs vs benefit.

Actually, altruism falls into the section of self preservation, and as we manifest self preservation we are deemed to apply it to the ones around us implicitly.

In other words, there must be something terribly wrong with you, psychologically speaking to wish harm to ones around you in any way, or just be plain malevolent.

That is how society existed and the important part of us that want to coexist with one another. Nice try to justify its disconsideration.

PS: the greatest minds and innovators in history were militating for altruism and well being of us as a species. Da Vinci, Einstein etc.

(that does not include tyrants who tried to pose themselves as humanists and benefactors)