Every Pred Game CRASHES

Every pred match I have played, I have crashed all 5 times today. But noooo, when I play fireteam, not a single crash. Please fix this.


Must be something…

yep, I’ve heard it is only City Hunter that causes this, so I am trying to play as Elder Pred to see if it is a localized issue.

PC or Playstation?


It’s actually baffling a game is allowed to get away with this

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That it is. City Hunter’s stats are an improvement on the base Hunters’s in some areas with none of the drawbacks, and you get free wrist launchers in gear, leaving you the base 10 gear weight to choose for Hunter. By this logic, City Hunter should always be used before the base Hunter statistic wise, but nope, can’t play one match with him. But Samurai, Scout, Beserker, and Hunter are all fine. Almost as if I specifically paid for the City Hunter DLC specifically for the class and weapons and now I can’t even use him because every game is a guaranteed crash.


Oh yeah dude I’ve been said that. He’s literally just stronger than hunter with 0 draw back. Which honestly, hey ok we wanted stronger predators, but uhhh you can’t fuckin use him!

It’s honestly just disappointing. How much of the player base bought the dlc, and now can’t even use it?

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I get crashes with Jungle Hunter, even in solo Private when I’m just practising. I’ve had crashes with Samurai during pubs recently too.

Remember the first week, when we couldn’t use him because of the ADS Bug? Happier times…

Huh, Samurai and Elder are my 2 predators that do not crash. Knowing this game, tomorrow it will be worse.