Everyone on this site seemingly hates xenomorphs

The next movie has already been confirmed it’s called Alien Awakening and Ridley Scott said he could make 6 movies if we wanted him to. I feel like u didn’t pay much attention to either of the movies to think nothing from Prometheus was used

They were scrapped dude. And you are not thinking at all if you watch Prometheus and don’t realize the entire theme of that movie is then wasted in covenant. Literally replace the material in the vises with any weapon and you can make covenant. But don’t forget you need MORONIC scientists who make every single wrong choice to the point of disbelief, and you need everything scary about xenomorphs stripped away because… David made them? The movie is bad. I liked Prometheus. This film did not do anything with what prometheus had set up. You could have replaced Prometheus with like any generic film and covenant would have followed it all the same

It’s also extremely evident the studio didint like Prometheus either. Scott tried doing something original and the response is. Alright well Alien needs to be in the title of the next one and we need to see full blown Aliens and screw the engineers. The natural follow up to Prometheus would have had Shaw (THE MAIN CHARACTER) alive and dealing with the engineers. I love Alien but this feels like they got shoehorned in for fan service so blind fans, not to sound like a dick but people like you, will just be like WOAH THIS IS AWESOME without examining the context of what they just gave you. Like so much does not make sense with there “creation” in this film. It’s so forced.

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How is the fact that xenos were made by a rogue ai who wants to kill of the human race not scary? I liked the origin they made of the xeno I don’t see how it was forced. And Shaw wouldn’t have lived with that massive squid thing trying to kill her along with David and the fact she ran outta oxygen. There was no hope for her. There was going to be engineers in the 3rd movie but Shaw was gonna be too dead to deal with them anyways

They got away from the creature in Prometheus aand found a new ship so those arguments don’t even have legs to stand on. As for the origin, simple answer is not knowing is always better. Jason would be way less scary if we saw a scene of someone summoning him or something as a backstory for his reanimation. And the fact that the Xenos in the movie actively don’t hurt David… like they know he made them?? Like wat

I should mention I’m not trying to sway you I’m all about different tastes. I’m just explaining where my distaste comes from

Well the ship they found didn’t work from wut I remember, but if it did David still would’ve dissected Shaw for research and experimentation. And it’s not that they know David made them, but David isn’t alive so they have no reason to attack him

Bishop didn’t get that treatment in Aliens lol neither has any other synthetic ever. Also David was able to pilot the ship. It was just poorly written in my opinion

The other synthetics also attacked xenos. David hasn’t

I think most of us like aliens. I surely do. However people like me just hate the idea of having them in this game, and the idea of making the first Predator game in 15 years an hybrid. No need for that ish, we can wait for the next avp.

P.s. didn’t hate Covenant, but it surely had some stupid shit in it. Pretty average movie


What did bishop do

Help the enemy

I get not wanting them in the game, but anytime aliens r brought up I jus see whole long feeds of trashing on em

I thought covenant was a great movie

Ridley Scott is George Lucasing his own franchise because Alien was lightning in a bottle with the help of Giger’s pure autism keeping him in line.

Taking all the mystery out of aliens and space jockeys and turning into yet another franchise about androids is worse than midichlorians.
Covenant and prometheus aren’t even alien movies they feel more like really bad spinoffs about black goo no one cares about nor finds your lame greek allegories interesting. It’s another case of “hoho I subverted your expectations I bet you didnt expect no aliens in this movie at all!” What if they made a predator movie and the whole thing took place in a lab and the whole movie was about studying predator ancestors with 0 predators in the entire movie but occasionally people died from one predator dog or killed eachother and the whole thing took 2 hours and two movies? Because thats what covenant and prometheus are.
James Cameron might’ve been wanting to make a starship troopers movie via aliens but atleast he wasn’t a pretentious hack about it.

Hahahah I don’t know man. Seems like a stretch, I’m like 200% sure Scott was trying to say the aliens knew David made them

But also the actual xeno that came at the end of the movie never made contact with David so it could try to kill him if they crossed paths

In the very beginning it literally just stared at him Hahahah like at birth. Didint run like they have before. Just booled with hum

Man it just sounds like u wanted them to rush things so it’d hurry up and get to the point. Prometheus introduced engineers and a whole new comic series. I didn’t see a problem with the goo cuz I thought it was cool that it was capable of being tweeked to create the, as they say, perfect specimen

But it also didn’t feel threatened enough to run cuz he wasn’t tryna harm it

It’s a baby dude. The OG crew all stared at it and it ran off