Expose the Brainwashed My Brothers and Sisters


There is a high correlation between those with autism and who think they are “transgender”, not to mention lack of a father figure instilling proper values.

Also it’s people who feel like they don’t fit in, and instead of being taught that EVERYONE feels like that at some point in their life and supporting them, we instead tell them they must be born in the wrong body and give them life altering (and destructive) meds and push this bullshit on them.


Man I’m happy this forum is based af

lol this forum grew up in stable households watching 80’s films.

Most people learn the foundations of basic pattern recognition. Marxists just choose to actively ignore it, just like they grew up trying to ignore the fact they are FATHERLESS



Let me take a WILD FUCKING GUESS, but this person wants to fight/punch “nazis” and “fascists” (guarantee they have no true understanding of either term)?

If so, I guarantee this person would crumple from a mean look let alone a punch. Anyone remember moldy locks who got her shit rocked after wanting to “scalp nazis”? Or the dude who got counter punched so hard that he died when his head hit the pavement?

I really wish these “antifascists” would try something in towns they aren’t supported in, it would be a spectacle watching them get massacred by your average Joe Schmoe American.


That is awfully photoshop. You can still see the name.

Oh look, pot meets kettle.

Both left and right are pieces of shit, especially you.

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You are stepping into the world of the big dogs 🚬

My turf. To be exact

Fence sitters are also pieces of shit

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No idea who or what you’re talking about.

Dont like what I say, that’s on you, but politics help no one.

While you fucking degenerates are going back and forth because you’re too fucking stupid to swallow your pride and work shit out, theres way more of us who just focus on living our lives and dont want to deal with any of your bullshit.

But of course, everyone wants to be right.

Seriously its pathetic.

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This is why people with notions that morals don’t exist shouldn’t be in positions of power.

You sound like a npc saying random shit and not actually responding.

Oh well.
Doesn’t change what I’ve said.

Theres way more us tired of both the left and right constantly being on bullshit and creating problems out of stubbornness and pride.

Neither one of you actually cares about anyone, only about being right.

Some good morals you got there.


Now I don’t like those

Politicians don’t care about anyone because they are detached from the real world the higher up in the ladder they go. Their policies come down to bribery majority of the time.

In terms of being right, its going to come down to whether or not illegal immigrants running across your lawn or homeless people setting up tents affects your border town or not. The people living in their town, care about their town and living environment. Though you may not because you claim to be apathetic to everything for whatever reason.

Healthcare? That money has to come from somewhere, and hurts the middle class more than anything.
Same for green energy policies. The person working no job can harp on about how good it is for the earth for everyone to take a subway to work, even if we don’t have nor will ever have the infrastructure for people to choose between car charging stations and public transportation.
Economic status, infrastructure is relevant and your utopia on mars isn’t achievable therefor your fence sitting isn’t even a factor in the conversation.

Depends on the environment you live in or want to live in, so no. They are innately opposite opinions despite that fence up your ass.
The more local the government the better.

Fence sitting seems to be your new favorite phrase.

And tell me what the fuck do you want me to do?
I’m not as apathetic as you think,
But if people take me the wrong way simply because they dont like how I fucking talk, to the point they want me dead over that petty shit, what the fuck am I supposed to do?

I avoid people cause the majority of you, no matter how I try to come across, people always wanna start shit.

So yeah. Despite me wanting a better world for everyone that isn’t fucked, I get plenty of people thinking I’m the fucking anti christ.

So my neutrality bothers you?

Maybe I’d pick a side if yall weren’t so fucking insane, full of hate and obssed with being right.

You dont want illegal immigrants?
Ok fair I guess, but theres plenty of fucked up people born here, @Mothrogdal being one of them, his little bitch ass.

You dont want homeless people everywhere?

So what’s the solution?

Because I’ve seen some of the shit you’ve said fin.

For someone who works on healthcare you sure dont give a shit about a lot of people.

But I’m the apathetic one.

I dont have the answers to all of the problems.
I dont think one single individual does.

But working together I’m sure people could find an answer. But theres no way anyone is gotta get anywhere with all the obsession over being the only side or person or group who is correct.

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Then do something about it. Or better yet, complain in my DMs for 4 hours about how much you hate yourself. I hear you’re really good at that

You’re the one who hates me over a petty reason, i tried squashing beef with you but yet you keep pushing.

So stop being a little bitch and let’s set some shit up in person and settle it.

Cause I didnt so shit to your dumb ass.

You’re the one who wants to take it this far.

So let’s go then.

But if you ain’t about that, then fucking drop it and stop saying shit that involves my death.

here and now. We can drop it and not take it to a level it doesn’t needs to go, or we can meet up and take care of this shit. Your call. But if you’re not willing to meet up in person to settle this shit, then stop talking shit. If you keep talking shit after this you’re agreeing that you aint nothing but a scared little bitch talking shit online.

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Petty? You’re a little bitch SCREAMING for relevancy and for people to notice you. You cry and scream when people don’t understand you, and news flash no one dies. You moan about being suicidal and depressed, so do the world a favor and kill yourself. Notice how my comments get likes and yours don’t? How everytime Jim makes a joke thread you come in screaming about “muh council” and yet everyone ignores you?

You’re a sad pathetic loser and the melons only keep you around because they feel bad for you and not out of companionship. There’s a reason why scarface just gives you a thumbs up instead of actually responding.

So I’m saying what everyone else wants to say to you but doesn’t. You’re a sad little pathetic bitch screaming incoherent gibberish and for anyone to notice him. No one likes you, no one cares about you and you cling to this forum 24/7 because clearly no one in the real world cares about you either. So stop crying and replying to me, this is the last thing I say to you because I want you to know I hold you in contempt, not even pity because at least people who are pitiable have some good qualities or can be redeemed.

In conclusion, off yourself for the good of humanity.

Exactly you’re a little bitch whose nothing but talk.

Be glad your safe over the internet.