Expose the Brainwashed My Brothers and Sisters

Consider me the bandaid ripper.

I’m not in my position to be your friend i’m just here to get you home without you busting your ass and showing up here again.
I’m not apathetic, just couldn’t do my job if I was wishy washy and didn’t think in objectives. I’m quite pleasant which makes me better at torturing people

lmao r u ok fire
I’m going to bet on @Mothrogdal in a fight tho

I think a lot of your problem is you take a lot personally.

Ya she does that

Can we put the forum out of it’s misery yet or are we going to masquerade the corpse of it for politics now?

I think @Fire vs @Eshtion would be a fairer fight

lmao this is the best thread rn

ok maybe you werent just taking it personally that time

It wouldnt be a fight.
One of us would end up dead.

Because that’s how far he wants to take it.

Nah. It’s more interesting to talk to esh.
No reason to fight him.

Idk she’s weird.
Sometimes she’s interesting and funny others she sounds out of her mind.

She’s all over the place.

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I’m gradually losing my mind to clown world but it’s fine.
I think the worst part about fire is that he never escaped his isolated nihilist phase. I have a longer list of grievances against @Eshtion currently.

Is he still going on and trying to get my attention?

no he just refused to fight @Eshtion. granted that’s because both of them are wishwashy.

One just spams WHY and the other says it doesn’t matter



Why: if you can’t explain how your logic works that’s not our fault

Doesn’t matter: just because you spam unrelated arguments isn’t our fault

We can start with the fact that you pulled Long from here instead of Longer to try to get a different meaning out of what I just said.

Semantics is the worst gimmick

Jesus christ it was a stupid ass quip and your talking about me fucking straw manning you in a meaningless comment?

What the fuck?!

Talk about priorities

Youd be surprised that I’m not actually a nihilist.
Sadly I’m more positive than you think.

To the point of being naive sometimes.

As for esh it’s funny seeing you two go at it so much.

Shame on you, DO BETTER lmao

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You have no idea the implication of your word.

Did i do BITTER?

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