Expose the Brainwashed My Brothers and Sisters

Didn’t care if it was awful, this person needed exposed

hah. Look at them fail

Hah look at those Cali Idiots

So let’s dox people

Great logic

If you expose a person enough times though they might end up quitting, idk, don’t really have experience in doxing ppl

“Exposing the brainwashed” is a direct route for sending harassment.

So? These same people would do the same to you without a second thought. “But muh high road” Yeah that stopped being relevant a long time ago. The high road only works if it gets you wins, but if you keep ceding ground to them you’ll be backed into a corner with nothing left.

When a group of people is saying that nazis and fascists deserved to be killed/assaulted and then start labeling everyone who gets in their way as a nazi/fascist that’s when you stop taking the high road and being “morally superior”. To fight with honor is to fight to lose.

These same people are pushing for KIDS to go to drag queen shows, for them to take sterilizing and life altering meds that have permanent side effects, for them to take puberty blockers which that damage CAN’T be reversed no matter what the talking shill heads say. You ever seen the kind of Frankenstein surgery that people perform for a “sex change” now imagine that and know that people want to do that to teens and kids.

So yes I will harass them, I will mock them and if they try this shit on my nieces and nephews I’ll probably kill them. Take your high road and try not to bleed too much on it as they drag you down to hell.

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Tell me something, if these weird ass ppl keep doing what they’re doing and ruining this once great country, what do you think is gonna happen? If you expose em enough they’ll lose credibility, if they had any

Broad generalization to promote harmful damage of other people.

How the hell is not doxing some one ceding ground? You going to suggest I go on a shooting spree next?

Ya except how many of them actually do that? The vast majority of them are pussies all bark no bite. Sure you got a few exceptions but on those I’ll agree to an execution

Ya That’s all bad but you don’t need to result to harassment and doxing. It doesnt even get you anywhere since all it does is paint you as an asshole to anyone on the fence or on the opposite side, nor does it stop what their doing harming your argument more than it helps.

Apparently doxing people and harassment is the way to push change

At first glance you could say the “movement” will stop itself once people realize imagining yourself as the opposite sex isn’t a good reason to start mangling people’s genitals.

But of course that’s without taking into consideration that people are dumber now. There’s so much money in chemical castration and hormones therapies that it could be a revolving door pharma shoves under the table. It’s like shilling weight-loss surgery and diuretics to an anorexic if they could still get away with it.
Also those kids that are coerced into it at age 10
are 100% screwed. Misery loves company though and it makes sense their ideologies are centered around enabling the lowest members of society, they hate themselves and barricade inward. In actively trying to ward off reality, they just create their own completely detached from anything tangible in hopes their literal imagination will treat them fairly.
Completely unproductive, sad state of affairs, culminating in suicide and grooming kids because having spited any kind of spiritualism they’ve retreated to a black hole of “fuck everything” enablers that has the opposite effect of any kind of actual counseling session. Same thing happens with pedos. Porn addiction should be added to the autismospectrum meter.


Expose the brainwashed? Got you.

Pineapple on Pizza has always been a sin, don’t let those zesty libs tell you otherwise.


One side is ret4rded, figure out which it is.

You guys are all wrong there is only one FLh7yGeXMAMxCjy


Ah yes

Helicopter? Also I live in CA I didn’t choose to don’t compare me

Your a girl?

Lol I’m sorry I thought this