Fair Question

Made 2 separate points. Figured that would be clear

Thatā€™s what paragraphs are for. Anyway, I just wanted to use that line from Hawkins.


The echo lol

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Ok, hereā€™s my theory on why Stargazer doesnā€™t hire women to do their merc-workā€¦ the last chick they hired let Fugitive Pred escape the lab, managed to shoot herself in the foot with their fancy tranq rifle, then turned on them and helped kill the thing they want to catch and dissect. On paper, not a very good investment šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰

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Peaceful Relocation

Pretty much.

Women get POG jobs and those that somehow get into the infantry just get put behind a desk in the COC.

I think people play too much Battlefield. Iā€™ve seen enough female cops in action to not defend female ground forces as any kind of norm tbh.

In certain limited combat situations arenā€™t going to be quite THAT much of a drag on a unit but outside of those areas no. Tend to be outright better at intelligence work than men but obviously canā€™t keep up physically with the demands of other mission sets tasked to SOF units, which is why so far women have been kept out of the roles that would place those demands on them and relegated to supporting roles.

but also lalala something sexism

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