For xbox atleast, I’m going to spend some time making a predator only themed mod load order, to turn it’s map into a perfect hunting ground. For fallout 4, and then skyrim and if starfield adds it, I’ll do it for them too. Still playing phg excessively but I miss my story driven experiences as well and I’ve replayed avp 2010 too much already. What ever order I come up with I will post it here.
Fallout 4 mod load order
Skyrim would be better already me and @NomadClan covered it in previous posts, I’d love to see what you did
This one’s just for xbox, load order is different for every platform. But I’ll try my best, if only phg would release from it’s clutches of match addiction Dx.
It’s not that, Illfonic just figured people will just buy Predator skins and make money off of nostalgia instead of bug fixes, it’s been like that since release, I would know I been here since the beginning
Yea I remember when samurai got released and everyone was mad it wasn’t city hunter and then there was tourneys that tried to bring players to the game but after awhile everyone found out that illfonic wasn’t going to care for PHG the way we wanted
So ya your better off playing something else, I went back to Skyrim and modding it to my different interests like I’m so excited that they are actually making a Oblivion remake!
Ohhh ill still play PHG alot, but for story or rpg I’ll make some nodded saves for skyrim and and fallout 4. Even tries to make some human predator builds on assassins creed. I am genuinely surprised no modders haven’t made any predator mods for assassins creed. I mean imagine the feral predator in place of Connor keyway in ac3, I mean holy shit, that’d be crazy
Assassins are literally human predators Noone can tell me otherwise Dx xD.
Lol so true