Fallout 4 Predator mod on Xbox 1!

Hey, gang. Theres a newer, FREE Predator mod just like the title says. I’ve tried it and its worth a look. Its not as immersive as the Skyrim mod, but its still neat. If you try it, make sure its the one with the glowing eyes in the pics (there are 2 mods, but the glowing eyes one is much much better. The other one is just a plain skin, no bells or whistles. ).
This one comes with 2 masks, with glowing eye options, multiple weapons including classic wrist blades, a handheld plasma pistol, spears, swords, etc. The masks offer a targeting vision option which makes all life forms glow red. There are 2 bodies, one with netting and one without. And different armor options too.
All the pieces seem to be upgradeable to a point. If you have the UCO mod as well as some others to improve armor and weapons further it should work for these too. Mine do.
I spent about an hour tweaking my character and now he’s badass. You have to use stealth boys or chameleon legendary mods to cloak, but dang, that game just got new life for me! Its available on Bethesda’s site under the mods section. Go check it out and happy hunting!

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