help, I don’t know where I have to post my illustration to participate in the contest, I don’t know how to use reddit
fan art contest
You can post it here!
I think you need to tag your reddit post as part of the contest
I don’t use reddit so I don’t how to do that
Let me post mine first :
Thats two predators stalking an 8 man FT squad on sunset in Overgrowth… where do I collect the prize?
I didn’t know you were a Predator fan Jasper Johns
This is what I smell when I brew my coffee with Red Bull instead of water
Nothing to it pal! Two sniffs of pure columbian cocaine and art is being created on its own!!!
Oh shit… XDDDDDD
Is that a xenomorph at the upper right corner?
Its actually the Queen herself!
I don’t see it. I must be smoking the wrong thing
Don’t smoke! Sniff… you will see it straight away! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
That’s not helping either. I think I overpaid for this mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases😂. My dealer told me they would make playing this game awesome, but it’s just pred and some FT running around and blasting each other
You need to change your dealer man and switch to :
…this mixture!!! XDDDD
To me this game is epic - that’s how strong this stuff is!!!
I figured if out. I was playing Clash instead of Hunt. Now it’s Awesome. But this stuff might make Clash awesome too
October DLC confirmed.
Weapon is the Mercenary with a buffed grenade launcher
“Say hello to my li’l friend!”
That’s not DLC that’s an update