This time, there is no predator. This time, the real threat lies where you would least expect it- the AI soldiers.
The goal is simple: get in, complete the mission, get out.
- Match time is extended to 45 minutes
- ALL AI health is boosted to 200%
- ALL AI damage is boosted to 250%
- Last Man Standing is disabled
- Fireteam Reinforcements can be called twice
- Friendly Fire is enabled
- Real Magazines is enabled
This custom private match setting is focused solely on human vs. human combat, with the AI soldier buffs forcing fireteams to coordinate attack and defense very carefully. The situation could go from ambushing a camp to simply running to survive in a matter of seconds. Fireteams can rely on stealth, quietly eliminating enemies, or risking a frontal assault to clear the area as quickly as possible.
Different map settings can decide the outcome of the match, providing advantages and disadvantages. Fireteams can quickly maneuver outdoor areas, but can be trapped by the highly damaging AI in buildings like that in headquarters or derailed.
Exfiltration may be the toughest challenge yet, as fireteams are assaulted by wave after wave of AI, including the armored and heavy-hitting PMC mercenaries.
This time, the predator can join the fray as an ally to the fireteam. Match rules are the same as the previous mode except for the following changes:
- Heal kits are not allowed (except for second wind)
- Match time is now 30 minutes
- ALL AI health is boosted to 225%
- ALL AI damage is boosted to 275%
- If the predator is downed, they must self destruct, ending the match as a loss for all players
This mode brings back the predator, but they must be careful as to not accidentally damage fireteam teammates. The AI is yet again buffed, more powerfully this time to provide even more of a challenge with the predator’s presence.
open for suggestions