Fantasma vs Rombak

But why out of all the toxic heckarii macro cheaters it has to be me?

I’m like so lovable 💖

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Yes you are a lovable player we all love you🥸

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Because, according to Rombak, your team is Heckarii team.

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Fantasma…I dearly want to meet this man

I always knew that Scarface was one of the Heckari! I knew it!

I thought that was common knowledge. 😆

What’s the match Rombak predator vs Fantasma firefighter?


.It is impossible not to have met in the game Fantasma with Rombak, given that one plays predator and the other soldier. I looked everywhere for a match with the two

I asked rombak if he speaks like that IRL. He remained silent, which probably means yes… which is sad… very sad… I feel sorry for him. If I had a voice like that, I would also hate the world and more than anything, myself

At least fantasma speaks the way he speaks because he has no teeth

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robak plays FT as well. And I’ve seen fantasma play as pred a few times as well, though he doesn’t play anymore, or at least have not seen him in a long time

The Fantasma has no teeth and Rombak is RETARDED, do you have matches with them?

You killed Conte quickly, I thought he was invincible, more blah blah …

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on my twitch there’s a few


I’m starting to get fascinated by this character, it’s not a Fantasma Jungla, but I think it’s a sexual abuse between a ghost and a predator, and here’s the heir to the jungle, Rombak Assassin.

What do you think, the supreme killer of the king of the jungle?