Favourite Pizza chain/restaurant?

Also what’s your favourite kind of pizza?
I am a filthy mongrel who enjoys ham and pineapple.

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Deep dish pizza mmmmmmmmmmmmm

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If you like Hawaiian pizza, might I recommend adding jalapeño peppers to it for some extra spice that complements the overall taste, you can also use ham and bacon interchangeably, that’s just down to personal preference.

I’m personally down to try anything (that won’t kill me via allergic reaction), but my favorites are Papa Johns, Jets, and my all time favorite is Raymond’s.
Raymond’s solely because my family went to eat there and ended up getting my dog from a animal place next door. We met him while waiting for the pizza, and the next day we finalized the paperwork and brought him home. I love my dog, he’s like a son to me and I’d give my life to protect that adorable little creature.

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Pineapple DOES NOT go on pizza, you prick

Only on certain kinds! It can help enhance the flavor and add entirely new dimensions to it!

pineapple DOES NOT go on ANY kind of pizza!! FAK YU!!

Oh but it does.
And ranch can be an excellent dipping sauce for certain kinds of pizza.

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I’m from the Midwest, if that’s what you’re asking.

You really wanna pull the religion card? I seem to recall several verses saying that all fruits that God made for man is good.
Let’s see what I can find:

Genesis 1:29
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”

Timothy 4:4
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Lord, pineapple on pizza is not a sin, you heretic that would twist the words of God.

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Pineapple be a fruit laden with heresy and sin

No. See above.

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