Feedback For Devs after the previous few Months

Let’s ignore the fact that this happened mostly in off topic and GD which are purely for social interaction and not for feedback…

You do realize that you can

Scroll up right?

If derailing is getting in the way, that’s the fault of incompetent mods.

Thank God you aren’t then. A good creator needs to be able to pick critism frim people despite the circumstances.

Great. So it’s their job to handle the community.

Their incompetence isn’t our fault.

And that’s again ignoring the fact that derailing mainly affects GD and Off topic.


Okay control freak. Seriously derailing doesn’t “delete the original post”

If the mods can’t take the original post that’s their incompetence.


I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to disagree. A lot of instances have happened where people ask about glitches, or bulids or general questions about the game and they’ll get a bunch of random ass replies and eventually one of the actually helpful people will reply with something constructive. This is more obviously seen in posts made in languages other than English.

Given the context that derailing is causing the devs to not listen, it is broad.

And stupid.

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Why did u even bother posting this

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Unfortunate too since 90% of this is a good idea

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I’ve waited to post this, well a previous version of this, for roughly 3 months. Kept adding to it with each update since then. When I heard from others the good news of new management around here I came to post since my chances of being drowned out were significantly less. Simple as.

That just tells me how arrogant you are. Not how ignorant the devs are.


He specifically said feedback , mate .

General questions aren’t feedback

I was never referring to SomecallmeXeno though. I was referring to your response to their claim that:

This statement is still generally true. I’m not even shit talking anyone in particular if that is what you’re worried about. Almost everyone’s here done something like that. It doesn’t matter if the thread was a question or feedback. It still happened. And while I wouldn’t say “derailment” or whatever, SomecallmeXeno’s still right about now being the time to post feedback because we have a new set of eyes watching this, not because people got banned for a week or something.

You think just because there’s a new mod for the forums that illfonic will magically start not only reading the feedback but also implementing it?
You poor stupid bastard.


They always read. At least one mod told me so on Facebook messenger. Though they rarely reply.

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Feedback gets read and have been implemented on numerous occasions. To say it has never happened is idiotic.

Not enough though


Admittedly true. Also on your previous point, forgot about it, my bad.

That’s getting into the intricacies of who exactly reads through the Fourms and some tidbits from what OHK’s said from interactions. Of course I can’t just say that some Illfonic Dev is or isn’t immune to whatever derailment someone creates within the fourms.

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I can

All you have to do is scroll up and you have the OG post

And that’s if it’s a feedback thread getting derailed which is rare


Its truly a shame the forums are moving again now feedback won’t be recieved

Ya I got whoosed

Shit like this genuinely upsets me…

Illfonic took this contract just like they did F13, knowing it’s not only cult classic material but American iconology. The level of passion people have for these properties is pretty significant.

Yet it’s treated like any other gig or side job, just another notch on the belt to prove basic competence and work history.

You know this level of attention was wasted, you know this is just gonna get panned and the most of a response you’ll get is a ‘thanks for playing’.

These are all very well thought out ideas and this kinda passion is what developers should consider as a standard. This game has so much potential, it has the possibility of a very long lifespan and could have made a major impact on the market had they given the same amount of dedication and passion that the community does. But it comes down to contracts and paychecks. You know they’re not gonna try to keep the game going, theyre not gonna put in a word to Sony that players will keep this game alive if they’re given the opportunity to build on it more

That’s not just the games community either because Predator isn’t just a game. This is just the latest entry to the life of the series but unfortunately it’s just a product.

I hate to ask but why put this much thought into something you gotta know at this point is falling on deaf ears? They’ve already moved on to two other products with this game being the on the ass end of the caboose.


People cling to hope over their beloved franchises. They’ve invested so much time into the predator universe that it’s almost painful to see it wasted on a game with devs that barely try or even care about it.


It’s just so scummy for Illfonic to deliberately keep taking contracts for cult classic adaptations and never bother reaching their potential. Like I remember when F13 was announced and the hype was massive, yet after it dropped it just kept rolling downhill until they had to bail altogether.

On to Ghostbusters… this time will be different!