Fellow Hunters, share your tactics

I want to hear from other Pred mains about their preferred layout and tactics :)

For me, I run Hunter with Combi stick and Net, with healing kits and motion detectors. For perks I have cooling sync, impenetrable and energy reserves I believe, though may switch this out soon.

A typcial match for me is in the first minute of game. I dont use target isolation. For now I dont care about FTs current location. I head to typcial mission hot spots and lay motion detectors in hidden places. I periodically check the score board. If someone has scored points, they eithef haven’t mudded up or are afk etc. I pop target isolation at the 14min mark as mud has worn off usually and I start tracking. Though not always needed as my motion detectors most of the time have picked someone up.

Once I have eyes on them, I look for a predictable or stationary target and throw the spear. Which is immediately followed by a slam to down the FT member and recover spear. Depending on reaction times I may quick claim or leave downed target alive. If they proceed to revive this is followed by a combi throw and slam, downing another member or maybe 2. At this point its 2v1 and I’ll trade health to claim both targets.

With only 2 left, Its just a matter of jumping behind to get a hit or 2 with combi stick, nets and slams.

Doesnt always go this way, sometimes it takes longer to get the ball rolling. Only one mistake or one rambo to set me up for the match.

How about you? :)

I pretty much run the same Weapon Loadout @Terrorize but as a Berserker. It’s funny to see practically everyone saying that Berserker is too slow. He’s actually quite the opposite. And while he’s still a tank Health wise, it’s quite easy to have your Health depleted if you’re becoming greedy against a well coordinated Fireteam. Even with Impenetrable active.

When I first started playing, I kept on getting downed while using the '87 Classic Hunter as I wasn’t engaging correctly. For my Berserker, I have Large Pouch, Impenetrable and Fearless as my Perks. Audio Decoys and Bear Traps round all of my Gear out.

I like to stalk Peeps from a distance and use Audio Decoys when everyone is in the thick of an Objective. I resort to Bear Traps when everyone huddles into a Building to cover Exits, or if I should need protection while using a Med Kit in a pinch (I usually resort to Boars). You can also throw out Bear Traps to catch greedy Players off guard when they’re dead set on trying to overwhelm you.

But for Combat?? The Net Gun is phenomenal for shutting down those who are Parry Happy. If you keep your Positioning in check, you can literally shut everyone down and prioritize your Targets for smooth and consecutive downs. And for me, the Combi-Stick is mainly used for chasing down Stragglers with their backs turned towards you. But most importantly, I only use it’s Quick Toss to easily Damage those who are mudding up or reviving. If you’re quick enough, you can toss it while engaging. It’s satisfying.

As far as getting in Players’ Faces goes, I’m always bobbing and weaving through everyone with frequent use of Bunny Hops/Jumping and Leaping in and out. You’d be surprised how this disorients Fireteams. Adding to movement, quite nicely I may add, is One-Tapping with your Melee and Sprinting: Since your Melee Attacks do not track and automatically negate your Sprint, it’s always best to cycle through a Melee/Sprint to re-acquire/repeat. People love to scatter when they’re in danger of being downed and this is the best way to deal with it.

Lastly, seasoned Predator Players will find themselves using Target Acquisition mainly to track Boars. Since you can Hop around and cover ground quickly, paying attention to your surroundings is the best way to track Fireteams. One Detail everyone overlooks is your Thermal Vision can see Fire Plumes started from Shooting from long distances.

Summarizing, there are a lot of Gameplay Nuances that too many overlook and playing as a Predator amplifies it all. As long as you play smart and don’t get greedy (I’d rather have Players escape than me resorting to a Self Destruct) you can be quite successful.

I usually play Jungle Hunter or Scout. I’m not fond of the Berseker anymore.
I use target isolation the first time it comes available and stalk them. As soon as I realize they’re coming near an objective I start harassing them with the plasma caster or bow on scout. When they’re overwhelmed by guerrilas I throw my combistick and leap slam. Whatever happens next happens.
I usually give the last 1 or 2 a second chance to reinforce/revive. If they slack up and try to down me instead of reinforce, I kill them as quick as I can.

My tactic is hunter, bow combi. Keep distance, if I’m spotted I move but try to keep the fireteam in view. Before I attack or get spotted I throw traps down at choke points. I start out sniping crouched from a vantage point, when spotted I lure the ft in by dropping to the ground just near my traps then move to another vantage point. The traps usually catch 1 ft member sometimes more, I combi them from the roof then slam to pick up, if I caught 2 leap back to vantage and pick him off with a caster shot that’s 2 down, 2 to go. I then run to heal if low hp, if not I I use their bodies as bait.

Way of the Lore Clan: Hunter with Stick and Net Gun combined PC. Sensors and Noisemaker. Impatient/Impenetrable/Adrenal Boost. Open up with sensoring all important areas or choke points, Track humans down, PC/Spear them down and let them get revived 1-2 times, when you decide to attack; show no mercy. If they try to knife u, net them up and smash them to pieces. Never give them a chance to use their Star Trek tech.

-Lore Pred

this is from another thread that was simlaer to this one hopefully this will satisfy you

I run Hunter with 2 different builds, same perks and items, different primary and secondary. And only one build on my scout.

1st build:

Health kit
Bear trap
Modified reserve
Light bender
Dithered lens

2nd build

Net gun
Health kit
Bear trap
Modified reserve
Light bender
Dithered lens


Health kit
Motion sensor
Cooling Syncs
Modified reserve
Down Range

For my hunters, I play ranged with the first build, capitaling on shots from far outside of the objective, constantly moving. With the perks, I never have to decloak, until I make a claim, but I can also play up close and personal with combithrows and melees and take a little bit of damage while playing a ground game.

On the second hunter build, I try to play right on top of them. Jumping in above them while they are preoccupied and not looking at my approach vector. Drop traps, utilize nets, and claim. Rinse repeat.

On the scout, it’s all about ranged mobility while chipping away at health until they are all dead. Motion sensors to know where they are at all times by prepping objectives at the start. Keeping them harassed with damn near infinte PC shots and well placed bow shots. Combithrows to down them. Jump in, claim, bounce, go eat a pig, rinse repeat.

I used to play a build more built for rushing in, dishing out pain and escaping back into the forest. I eventually realized that a coordinated fireteam can deal out just as much damage if they pay attention.

Recently i’ve been playing differently and i’ve had more interesting results. I use the Scout Class and without exception my first objective if always to hunt down and kill at least a single wild boar. I don’t carry medical with me anymore, so when i get injured that boar becomes essential.

After securing meat for later, i typically scout out the fireteam. My gear usually consists of bear traps, audio devices, Elder Sword and Bow. If the map is that trainyard then i set the bear traps at the entrances. At this point i usually begin to harass the fireteam with my bow and plasma-caster to establish a precedent that i’ll be fighting from range. I maintain this playstyle for about 2/3rds of the match.

If the fireteam is any good they will take cover and avoid my ranged attacks. If not i can usually inflict serious damage to them to get them to use up their medical-or knock them down. If they get knocked down i pepper them with shots from my bow to try and kill them before they can get revived. Usually it’s a two-three shot process but i succeed more than i fail.

I usually begin to engage directly most of the way through the match. Having set a precedent the Fireteam usually doesn’t expect me to rush them with the sword. I deal out punishment to the team member most isolated from the group and (hopefully) knock them down. If i have time i use my sword to cut down their time and hopefully kill them before the FT can respond.

I’ve found that one of the first things the FT does is try to revive their teammate, not bothering to see if i’ve actually left or not. I can usually rush back in and pepper a helping player with further strikes and leave him on the ground too, or heavily injured if not.

If the Guerrillas are attacking and i do what i just mentioned, i’ve had games where the FT is just overwhelmed and unable to deal with both the threat of me and being gunned down by the NPC’s.