Feral Predator Concept Art

Came across some concept art here for Feral Predator showing some different Biomask designs that were of course unused in the movie, but I honestly prefer a lot of them to the mask design we saw in the movie.

I know not everyone was a fan of Feral’s overall design or mask in the movie so:



almost all of them dont have a laser, slightly unhelpful. number 2 just looks ugly though. the laser looks el stupido just smack on his forehead.

i like #5, reminds me of wrecker from the bad batch and just seems overall more intimidating

I mean they were seemingly never gonna give him a Plasma Caster so it makes some degree of sense, albeit still a weird design choice.

I saw some concept art of the actual mask too, and it didn’t always have a targeting laser either, so it could’ve just been a decision to worry about it later on.

a predator movie isnt a predator movie without a shot of the 3 red dots of inescapable death on someone’s head, imo

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A lot of these are actually really sick looking, I wish we had them in the game to use. So many of Illfonic’s masks are just bland and dull, but some of these are outright scary.

And I like the idea of the laser on the forehead, actually. It looks good aesthetically to me, and practically it like dead pinpoint accurate to wherever the Pred is looking.

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Meh. It’s a cool touch if they can implement it into a scene sure, but it’s not like it’s essential necessarily.

Yeah a lot of them are a bit too insecty for my liking but there are definitely some that look way cooler than what we got.

One of then reminds me of Jungle Hunter’s mask a bit, and another kinda reminds me of Wolf’s a little bit too.

The laser in the middle of the forehead definitely makes a lot of sense though practicality wise.

The main idea I really liked the look of here was the red light shining through the cracks of the mask. That is definitely something they should’ve kept.

The very first one looks almost satanic. Like it shoulld have been in a fantasy movie but it could work in a middle-ages era setting for the predator. Still, Feral works for me.

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Really like most of the bones mask down. Top is good to but the bones mask really seal the deal for me as a different Tribe of Yautja. Really like there athestic in general.

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#5 or 6 with some slight reworks would do a decent job, the rest are terribru.
The wolfish skull, does have a creepy vibe tho.
That still does not fix the disproportionate body and IT neck or the actual “inbred” atrocity under the mask tho, or the rest :D
Would have been something at least…

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We where close of living with Neanderthal, so who knows if those guys are just a counsin race that survived long enough.


Honest thoughts, they should explore bone and even even double down on it

Some of these work in archetype but we’re not executed well such as the bird and the spider mask

That first bone mask holds interest and can possibly even be completed or kitbashed multiple skeleton wise to finish the half mask, half masks are a weird design trope to add variety personally not my taste

Now that Feral is associated with bone the top masks feel so out of place and because stuff like the Mr. black mask exists there’s much to be explored

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Honnestly its a whole ass class right there, focusing more on close encounter/melee (yes even if its dog shit its flavor) and should use balistic weaponery more, like crossbow, bolt, bow, speargun and spear and no plasma caster (yes dumb idea given the current stat of the game but still, flavor ya know)

The top stuff are really its own clan too but like from a bronze age of predators. I don’t know but Im thinking in line of Viking Era stuff. Viking is almost too extravagant like he was vetted into a human cosplay tribe. Where the OP top stuff really is apart of a engaging tribe that lived on Earth with the Vikings.

But I think the real reason for them cancelling these was the same reason that the OG mask from 87s designers cancelled their original GORT mask. It lead to assumptions and the final reveal would have been spoiled.

5 and 6 were the better lookin ones imo