@Fire sells his soul to the devil

because he is a degenerate of the 4th kind of extraterrestrial. His momma is a homo and tells his daughter to sell her body to make money because she has a tasty cake booty!

and that is why:

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Why are you obssed with me?


cause your milkshake brings the boys to the yard!

And you’re all gonna be like, ‘Naw man, ain’t no way I’ma mess with this chica’s daughter because she got a little dum-dum.’"

I laughed out loud, the only appropriate reaction.

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Don’t nobody touch the hot booty of Fires’ daughter until she shakes it. Then its first come, first serve.

EVERY TIME @Fire EVERTYTIME you speak it riles me like anus protuberances!! Hemmeroids!

This is my attitude but no more! NO MORE!!!
You deceive me! And things are going to change around here!

WE USED TO BE PALS! NOW, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! You’re not the true believer! or BELEIBER! Or QUeen of the Monarch! The Judge vetted it! For its ME!!! And you got some nerve to contest my dominance!

YOU SEE THIS BLOODY MESS BUT ITS RIGHT! Its cautionary tales man!

and YOU better LEARN! You better learn and you better BURN @Fire!

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