Predators using the spoon feed target isolation to locate fire teams early on ruining fire teams ingame experience to just collect skulls for their platform trophy achievements, so for all the fire teams out there reading this, to counter this unbalanced issue just quit match early if you feel cheated within 240 seconds playing ingame because you fire team only waits 2 minutes for next match whilst predators wait 10 minutes lol fire team 1-0 predator. FACT :)

Watch this trigger all the illfonic bum sniffing predator main fan boys lmfao.

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Is it bad? Im usually think about leave if predator cant locate FT more than 3 min.

Then your very bad at playing phg and should play fortnite, lol


literally makes no sense… wait do u work for Epic Games Customer Support? Knew you sounded familiar

Such a retarded statement, sry.

If you are an exp’ed player, you know all of the spawn points and don’t even need the target isolation at all.
I only use it to track the last FT-member for example.

Players like you kill the fun for everyone in the match by leaving for such stupid reasons… lol.
I don’t get why players throw their nerves away like that

  • oh it is a berserker - leave
  • oh i hear the pred is already close - leave
  • oh i got downed, because i was running solo - leave
  • oh is will execute me - leave



Kill the fun lol what for fire team having no time to collect audio tapes to find v tokens and to up xp when it takes 240 seconds to be found by an average predator player, fun whats fun lmfao you say experienced players dont need target isolation to spoon feed them fire teams location ok then what are you saying your better than youtubers “blood thirsty lord and cartoonz” cause them guys loves using target isolation to pin point fire teams location lol its all over their video’s so please dont come at me with bullshit you dont need target isolation lol

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That target isolation needs to go or just use it to find pigs… Actually if predator isnt braindead, he can use his ears to
locate FT cause they always huff puff


Absolutely for boars its ok but for spoon feeding predators hell no, this is a hunting game but feels more like illfonic have created an mechanic for those that cant be fucked to hunt lmfao

FT mains complain about Predator’s Target Isolation, and Predator mains complain about Spotting.

I think both Target Isolation and Spotting should go maybe so it’s leveled.

However Target Isolation to find boars should remain cuz them shits are hard to find sometimes by only using thermal vision.


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong @DeadEyeBuddha.

Spoon Fed Target Isolation: Now dafuq is this Spoon Fed?? You’re only going to catch unskilled, non-mudded Players with this. From what I’ve read across the Forums here, from actual decent Predator Players, is that Target Isolation is mainly used for tracking Boars and last minute Stragglers scrambling for Exfil or a Respawn Station. If you use Target Isolation too soon, you’re not going to find anybody.

Quit the Match Early: Look, I get that some people rage but suggesting that you lose and quit instead of actually, oh I don’t know, PRACTICING your engagements for the sake of improvement tells me that this is all you’re used to. If you’re having trouble against the Predator, then play with people who are coordinated. It sounds to me as if you’re not doing so well and get frustrated easily.

Watch this trigger all the illfonic bum sniffing predator main fan boys lmfao: Uhm… OK?? Say what you want, but you’re essentially saying Watch this trigger all the Rage Quitting bum sniffing Players that don’t know any better.


This would be an absolute brilliant idea. I play ft so why should my team mates see what i see makes no logic if i communicate thats ok but spotter is stupid, needs looking at.

Pred can use his first minutes to destroy ft medkits and supply crates around map… Preds that rush FT in first minute are noobs and complain about that matches arr short and then talk smart shit they are pro players

If its not a problem then why you crying about it with 3 paragraphs and yes your deffo a triggered bum sniff fan boy lol i can also guarantee you most ft out there dont rage quit they know just by fucking the predator off and joining another match it doesnt take long doing so lol but for you it takes 10+ minutes lmfao

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Lol yeah your right there the true players want a awesome experience because the game will not last any longer that evolve, i’ve not played f13 or evolve but done research and it looks more like going the direction of evolve as in lack of content and objectives/game modes/maps, no goods saying each month it’ll have this and have that there wont be anyone to play soon its very repetitive and routine. Lol

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I’m gonna put a pin in this moronic argument once and for all. “Spoon fed kills” hmm. Spoon fed? Cause you know where I am? Fact is me and my team don giva FUUUCK if you know where we are or not. Bring the hen to the fox. As cringe as that analogy is that’s literally how this game works at the moment. The vast majority of predators don’t even stand a chance against a good team. So knowing where we are is not even close to half the battle. What spoon fed kills are you referencing here? You target iso someone and they fell over dead? Or have you been on the receiving end of some beat downs and you are mad? Out of 6 games where I have gone in with just me and one other guy as FT, we have killed it 4 times, and the other 2 we damn near killed it. There is nothing spoon fed about any kills in this game. Much less from Target iso?

Nothing tells me more than your comment telling me your deffo a predator main lmfao and a triggered bum sniffer your just using the twist talk but in reality your just a predator main that wants a spoon to feed you location, you think i’ve forgotten your bullshit comments from previous threads lol fuck off din your deffo an illfonic predator main bum licker lmfao.

Sounds like a sour FT main that couldn’t beat so much as beat a poster on a wall featuring a Yautja cosplay

Im very good both predator and ft but stating facts of a spoon feed mechanic its the biggest spoon feed ingame mechanic that i’ve come across in years lmfao, cringy as fuck but all time its there game is dying lol

You’re not a good Predator if you can’t find an FT without ISO lol. Probably should stick with your FT maining lol

I was drunk off my ass once and got my mask shot off super early in a match being stupid and I still had no trouble tracking lol. And I was drunk off my ass. Yeah. The FT main feigning Predator experience is cute