Like, dude. This is a super casual game. Like I said a good team is gonna crush the predator anyways 9 times out of 10, and that 10th time when the predator is sweating his balls off and doing some nasty plays we are all usually like well damn that was dope and just get into the next game. Never once have I felt that fuckin target isolation is what killed me.

I do. I can’t help it I see this and my head hurts

LOL wow @DeadEyeBuddha. Way to troll.

im sure lobbies are becoming shit also with matchmaking why because of the unbalanced issues this being top of the pile so stfu bum sniffer lol

Damn it’s hateful in here, once again welcome to the playa haters ball



Answer this question and I won’t troll you about it I just want your honest opinion. Who does the game favor, and why/what change needs to be made

If you dont like facts then dont talk to me donut.

Eh. It’s whatever honestly. ISO ain’t nothing to write home about. Personally I just like to fuck around in this game a lot. Sometimes I get that itch and will go try hard but overall it is a more or less a fun pass time.

Same typical llfonic bum sniffer predator mains so, yeah would be lmfao

Yeah it’s definitely not an issue. I think we are about to hear this guy say the game is predator sided which will give me a good chuckle.

Is it? Maybe I am just weird because this feels pretty normal lol

I mean… he does think ISO is worse than infinite parries and infinite health and ammo so…

Who has that? No class that I know off.

Dude if your whole argument banks on me being a predator main then you lost already. I’m not a predator main dude so get that through your head so you can just take this L. We fireteam members, don’t give two shits about target iso

Dude watch out calling him out like that… He’ll call you a bum sniffer

Infinite parrys lmfao get good that as told me how shit of a predator you are, you crying about parry lmfao

He can call me whatever he likes I’m the one recording him jumping on cacti for Tik Tok views 🤷‍♀️

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And now pretends parry is not a very very strong ft tool. You are boost lord. Which I could get over but you talk so much shit to people so you are a dickhead boost lord which is not cool

So Bloodthirstylord is trash too then? Because I recall him having complaints of infinite parry along with pretty much all the major YouTube figures playing Predator and even Fireteam plus Twitch Streamers.

Hahahaha stop trying to convince me your fire team its only the otherday you jumped in with predator mains sucking their dick for flavours, who you trying to kid. Lmfao.