Fire Teams guns need Small Buff

GG Predator (even moreso) if FT get the buffs you want

Without even reading this. No Hahahahah

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Only thing you are on about is the auto shotgun. That thing could be buffed just so it’s not doodoo. But all the assault rifles are very fine. The mini gun could spin up faster yes. But I assure you besides auto shotty damage everywhere is good. If you are landing all your shots you can single handedly take the Predator down (which I like btw)

No need to be uptight, it’s my opinion, i didnt ask for trolls to jump the bandwagon for Ridicule.

I wasnt trolling, everything there was completely serious.

I am asking you if after me showing you those numbers you still think ft needs a buff.

I’m getting sick and tired of getting called troll, when I havent even attempted to troll anyone here. Yes I joke around alot, but I’m not here to troll.

Those numbers I gave you are based off some testing I did.


don’t forget we also have these

which are still true as of the current patch
the only FT guns that need buffs are any gun that takes longer than 9 seconds to kill the predator at their respective reasonable range ie a long range shotgun shots shouldn’t kill the pred in 9 seconds but a sniper probably should


Most of them are useless. Which is why most people stick to the same 3-4 weapons.

#givegrenadelauncherimpactsagain 😈

Agent 47 dressed as a clown once… but now it’s tree time.

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For me, there are:

  • 3 assault rifles that pull it off: the first, 3rd and 4th.
    (The 2nd one is cool too but it doesn’t have the flare that the others have, and I don’t quite enjoy it’s design)
  • 1 sniper rifle: 2nd.
  • All shotguns are fun.
  • 2 SMGs: first and last.
  • All pistols are cool as heck. especially the 2nd one. Maybe the “Glock” is a bit meh, but still really cool.
    I’d personally love to see more pistols in game, like M20 , Walther, Beretta 87 and so on. Would be so cool… I’m kinda bored of all the heavy weapons and all that.

And specials suck big time, they are trash. The minigun maybe shines more than the grenade launcher, but still is really bad.

If I missed any weapon category means that I don’t like them or just didn’t catch my interest enough.

The lmg is downright broken fam. Its kinda dumb


I can’t tell you how many times on my support i’ve solo’d predators with the LMG
it’s downright oppressive and a little bit sad

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That’s why it sucks and makes me not wanna use it.

Why wat sucks?

The lmg. It’s so broken it sucks.

I dont disagree.

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The Minigun Seems as one of the weapons that needs an adjustment because it’s terrible, the Grenade Launcher should at least have had the Option to Toggle Between Impact and Timed. The Light Machine Gun feels like it should be better but it just might be in the right spot. The Full Auto Shotgun, i played with it for Awhile but felt that for the amount of rounds you put out the Dmg could be slightly better.

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The issue you don’t seem to be considering is for every weapon you buff that’s technically 4x the buff. Again for the FT, it’s a team based game. They HAVE to work together. You make any one weapon too strong like the LMG and you completely undo any balance because there’s still 3 other FT members. No one player or one weapon should be owning a Predator, it just shouldn’t happen. It’s an asymmetrical game and you absolutely can not have 1 individual within the group role be able to go toe to toe with the power role.

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I think major of FT weapons are 👌 but the ones that I think need buffing are:

  • GRIMTECH 19 Pistol, Ballistic Damage Increase
  • D34-D Grenade Launcher, Point Detonated rounds need a return
  • ABR-Z Sniper DMR, Ballistic Damage Increase
  • S-R3D Minigun, see below