Awesome. Ty.

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That’s brilliant, might have to change my gear

Is it without Yajuta bane? Does silencer reduce dgm?

I don’t know , I take that from YT video. I think is wothout perk , btw silencer reduce 10% damage.


finally someone putting some good stuff for people to see what guns are good to use in certain situations. thanks for the post


Contrary to how most people think, combistick is not the most damage melee weapon.


Agreed thanks dude

Swords combo is stronger, however it has minimal to no tracking and Pred has little control over it midcombo. Its so easy to avoid that the only way you can be killed by the 5 hit combo is if you’re afk. Whereas combi tracks targets, has a wider range/reach and hits multiple targets. Hence why its regarded as OP, not because of its base damage.

Great video!
Note, however, that the gun used in the video does not have an extended magazine.
Guns with high RPMs and low mag capacity require more reloads than other guns.
Those guns will perform better with an extended magazine. (It’s a third shotgun or second SMG, for example.)
Anyway, thanks for the post.

I was wondering that myself. I kind of want to run tests with attachments and perks, see what is best with those because reloading is the biggest time waster, so less reloading would be great.

But as it stands now, I’m going to put more stock into assault rifles and smgs.

Cool video.
It compares all guns and shows how quickly you down a predator at deadshot range,not moving and the predator not moving as well.
Not realworld by anymeans but worth a quick glimps.
But obviously doesn’t account for actual handling because some aim has a wobble or has different scopes/sites/ect.

Video is nicely done, and uses comparison chart at the end. COOL!!!

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i only wish there was this but with perks and then another with extended mags
but otherwise this is great

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I guess the Predator players fears of the “meta team” are going to come true. Still, I appreciate the information.

This is great.

It was surprising to see the .50 cal out performed by the bolt action especially given its semi auto.

I love how the AA12 and mini gun were just like “Fuck it” at long range 😂

These are just basic gun stats too I believe. All these guns have extended clips too.

Thanks for this spreadsheet, I think it’s great!

As I could see, the snipers had normal clip size. So probably it applies for the other guns. I was wondering if there was a video with extended clip size, but I presume the results are similar.

Thats what I meant sorry, that these guns all have access to extended clips, save the three? Obvious except the one that is 150, the revolver, GL.

Might be missing one off the top of my head.

SMGs double in clips size for two of em, shits crazy.

The boltaction sniper is the strongest. I have found a pc olayery with that and he instant kills my bio mask with one shot.