Fireteam class balancing.

Everyone agrees that field medic needs a nerf. So increase the field medic revive time to a 2 second interaction, but I also recommended the base revive time be reduced to 4 seconds.

Scout is in a comparatively week state right now, and the extra damage after sprinting seems to be bugged. Consider removing the extra post sprint damage passive entirely and adding a passive equal to the dexterous perk.

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Wow, just do us all a favor and never talk about balance again

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Think both are fine ideas, not enough in the Scouts case but I’m still of the opinion they should get an extra Health and Gear point. This would balance them with the Assault class.

That’s what I’m talking about. He acts like 2 seconds is an ok revive time, and 4 seconds is entirely too short for the default revive time.

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Why would you reduce revive times at all? Do you want the predator to have absolutely 0 ways of creating pressure? Do you want quick claims to be the only way to kill? (Which WILL lead to dying every game) not trying to shit on your idea just think about it’s implications


How is 2 seconds even slightly ok??


The perk SHOULD be you take reduced damage while Reviving. Not insta revive people



As to the guy thinking thats fine ot actaully comes across as him not wanting to make jarring changes.

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This would be great
But if Illfonic can’t do it, maybe they would make it so field medic doesn’t stack with dexterous

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I think that Field Medic/Dexterous + Field Medic should be nerfed and Support should trade Field Medic with Scout’s Rushdown to emphasize what both Classes can do. Support is made for A.I fights so Rushdown can have very practical purposes for A.I Clearing with Rushdown.

Field medic should just be reworked

You do realize what you are saying is buff field-medic the base time is three seconds for field-medic.

He’s saying with dexterious since thats the number every one throws out.

Revive should never be less than 5 seconds, otherwise it pretty much negates the point of downing someone.


Hell no.



Anything lower than 5 just negates the point of downing someone and you know it.

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You’re not wrong however,


Field medic with dexterous should reduce it to at best 3 seconds which is quick enough to mean something for the perk to be used but not quick enough to instantly pick someone up without consequence.

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At that point the lowest to remain fair I’d say would be 4, but, this goes back to one of the main problems in this game.

Preds kit needs to be improved to allow them to be able to effectively fight more than one person at a time.

If were talking current kit, with DeX on, no lower than 4.

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