Fireteam damage

Buff Firretam damage, nerf Predador. Predador kaka.

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Not only FT dmg is a problem but the dmg reduction stacking, Dante/Scout have 20% dmg reduction while running, Support gives them 20% more and then there is the owlf trained perk.

Its because of that Pred needs weapons that can do 150 dmg in one hit, some classes can go as if they had over 200 Hp in practice. FT can easily outdmg the Pred in those situations as the Pred perks that are suppose to help with dmg are almost useless. One shooting cant happen, and even If It did they still have field medic to prevent the Predator from getting a kill without effort.

Get rid of the stacking dmg either in their weapons or in protection and then we can consider decreasing the dmg of some pred weapons.


I think specializations on both sides should never have been a thing

Although it adds a level of uniqueness to some classes and some variety in the gameplay which is usually good the balanced suffered a lot from it.

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Agreed. I really wish they’d gone a bit more toward the stealth/horror direction rather than just 5-6 minute damage output races.


Things like passives and specializations shouldnt have been about increasing or decreasing dmg on things, Disciplined and Tracker are more interesting than Fervert or Stalker, but then its easier to just touch on number values than coming up with something creative. And the meta that works in practice is what it is.


get guf

This is exactly the reason.

How is this thread coming back to life after 3 months.


i searched ft to see how many people complain about it not having content and found this thread


I am pretty bad as FT, mostly pred main but i can still kill it with randoms

Dont know how to defuse well but killing it is not difficult esp with the 2 spotter talents and the pdl, anti cloak grenade and the UA

Pred kills cause of stealth, you take that a way and its useless for the most part

Nah. Watch any of the really good players here and you’ll see that ACIGs, PDLs and the cloak mines don’t bother them at all. They’re annoying, but if you can land your shots and out damage the FT during that engagement, it’s no different than if you were cloaked.

Shots yes, IMO the only counter to that is a ranged predator

The only way to play is ranged. If you’re using a melee weapon you’d better be sure you’re up against randoms cuz rushing in is a death sentence. Hence why the only melee weapon most preds use is the combistick; it’s a flashbang that does major damage when you throw it.

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The best “melee” weapons are long ranged weapons used at close range.


Yes ,like the warclub