Fireteam instantly seeing/spotting. glitch/bug/exploit?

Just got back into it after not playing since launch, and sitting cloaked in a bush, not moving, around the side of a tree, and the fireteam instantly “spots” me, circles around the tree and lays into me. i back off and end up on the other side of a hill, sneak up to the top where there is no way they can see me, and i get spotted and they start lobbing grenades and using grenade launchers on me while i’m out of sight (i can’t even see them by forcing the camera way down over the hillside). they ended up blowing off my mask and then i couldn’t use my bow anymore.

is this something that has become common?

it feels like some sort of autoaim/esp bull.
if it has devolved into cheaters already, this game is doomed.


Predator likes to make a huge amount of noise when cloaked. Also I think FT can see you when crouched and cloaking if their graphics settings are low. Not 100% on that

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I can spot invis predy with my headphones


through a tree though? and through a hillside? (note: i wasn’t spotted in the open and moved behind these obstructions to view. i was nestled behind a tree waiting on them to fight with the npcs, and i got spotted through the tree, and that’s when they came swarming around the side of it. also, i was sitting in a divet on top of a hill, and couldn’t even see them below me with 3rd person camera, but they were spotting me constantly and lobbing grenades up)

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So I have been grinding my weekly on FT for the past couple days, kinda casually though, and I will say that lately I have been seeing on the FT some shit that is incredibly shady. I had at least four matches with one player that was PC, not the same person but just one PC I mean, and each time I scarcely saw hide or hair of the Predator but the PC was constantly spotting him no matter where he went and even as far as 400 meters through the jungle. And then we go on with the match and the guy has like 5k damage on a Scout Predator. There is a hack that highlights the Predator with red all over them even when cloaked I know of but I believe there is also still a glitch that they are able to shoot through terrain as well, not sure what the state of that is though.

Long and short of it I firmly believe as well thag there is some sketchy shit going on. Don’t know if that was the case with yours or not though. I have some shit like that happen sometimes as Predator but then I realize there was a guy running ice cold, mudded and sitting in the bush right next to where I was and was practically invisible. Could be a number of things but the most sketchy shit seems to come exclusively from PC players.

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…The red outline on the pred happens when he has been directly spotted (he even shows up through walls and terrain regardless of if he is cloaked), it’s bullshit I agree but it has nothing to do with hacks or platform.

This shit is actually built into the game mechanics…

It is exactly how they intended the spot to work. (once again I agree that it is extremely retarded)

Shit, players dying on the ground can apply it just before they get their skulls ripped out.

Your mask being removed should not affect your bow.
(if this is something you experienced then you need to post that in the bugs part of the forum, preferably with video).

The rest sounds like normal gameplay by a half descent FT.
You said yourself that you haven’t played since launch. Sounds like you faced an FT that knows what they are doing and, from your own statement, you don’t have much experience dealing with.

I experienced stuff like as well - it was the first time ever that i reported a PC player in this game, it was ridiculous!!

Once I saw a video where a player used a weird tool that showed the movement of the predator no matter how far he was - that guy instantly aimed at the directions where the Pred appeared every time…(without cloaking/vision sound)

It looked like screen laggs right in the middle of the FOV. (more like moving particles)

please put the video link here for review. Otherwise it’s purely anecdotal.

It is somewhere in this forum, but it was around 3 weeks ago
Good luck :p

No. I mean there was literally, when the game came out a cheat that made the Predator entirely red and glowing. I don’t remember the post since it was a good while ago but it was a literal thing. I don’t know if it still is or what but I haven’t see anything in patches to suggest otherwise.

You are correct about pc users being shady. It is incredibly easier to mod on pc than on consoles. Most of the people getting banned in the new Call of Duty game for cheating are pc users. Although it’s not so much them getting banned as it is all of the cheaters being put into the same lobby. Maybe Illfonic could take up after Infinity Ward and design their crossplatform server to do that too.

That would be quite amusing lol. I mean I have played against plenty of PC players that were totally legit and they do tend to be a bit better on average in general but mostly when I am playing Fireteam is when I start to see some questionable shit. It could also be the case as Predator that I don’t tend to notice it as much either and when you are FT it is a lot more obvious. But as a Predator I can count on both hands how many times I have experienced this sort of thing.

strangely enough this is the first mention of this ever in the forums, even though people are posting every single day about bugs and suspected cheats (which 99% of the time turn out to be bugs).
most of the bugs get posted about multiple times in a single day.

The only thing to my limited knowledge that lights the pred up with a red outline is a spot that is aimed directly at them. And as previously mentioned this is part of game mechanics and is (unfortunately), visible through all objects including terrain and buildings.

you can search the forums (there’s a selection at the top of the page).

you only become invisible if you stand still for 3 secs

that doesn’t apply if you are still within the spotted timer (and if they have the perk it’s longer than normal).

I’m still confused about the mask removal and then bow not being usable any more.
If this happened then it’s a major major bug.

Actually this was posted on the forums way back. It didn’t really get talked about much but people were somewhat aware of it. It was literally like… within the first week or so that came to light but it was posted in a reply to a thread rather than its own post so even at the time it was a bit obscure. And truth be told I don’t even know it is still works or Illfonic did something about it or what.

I’ve been playing since day one and on here reporting and searching for fixes to bugs. Literally from the first hour the game was playable.

(which for me was 4am as I’m in australia)

The only red highlight on pred is … he was spotted directly. Which, by the way the game is designed, makes him all red and glowy and can be seen from anywhere on the map (regardless of anything blocking line of sight), until the spot effect ends. The timing of the spot effect depends on if the player that spotted has a perk which extends the amount of time it lasts.