Fireteam is OP!!! (this was a troll post)

Either way the game is unbalanced and fireteam is nearly gurenteed a win if premade


Welcome to the first day at playing as Pred! Where have you been the last 3 months? They should relabel this folder General Ranting…and archive it!


Never gets old lolo… Buff Pred!!! NERF SHIT FROM FT!!



How I feel every fucking match!!!




My solution to getting my ass kicked was to practice, practice, practice. Now, I win most matches as Predator and I dont mind getting beaten by a good FT. I have good loadouts etc, so if I lose, its my fault. I turned off crossplay (I’m on ps4) so it would be more balanced, because everyone has the same controllers. Therefore, its the players reaction times and such that make or break a match for either side. I stunk up the grounds at first, like lots of people, but practice really does work. Furthermore, if you’re a low level, not having certain gear hurts a lot. Get that combistick, the bear traps etc and practice. Try getting just 1 or 2 skulls per match for starters. Don’t get greedy, or you WILL lose. Then keep working on it. Eventually, an average FT should be no problem. I literally just won a match against a decent FT. They got me to second wind and everything, but I kept my cool, used my brain and won. Making it out alive is more important.


Pro tip. Most players mud at the beginning of the match. Wait to hit target isolation until 14:10 and you’ll know exactly where they are because that’s right when their first mud up wears off.

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Dude you just have bad luck with capable snipers. FT can easily be dismantled. I mean i can;t say i feel sorry because lately Preds who Cry make it so FT gets unnecessary Nerfs.

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okay this shit got boring

not enough arguing to spice it

Lol you tried


Fr lol.

At least it was believable.

THough I could have done with more controversial and less believable. But I didnt know how to do that without it being obvious

It’s pretty easy to get ppl riled up, I just don’t have the energy for it.

I don’t just wanna argue with people. Besides, no one listens to shit I say anyway, if I really start talking.

But if you wanna piss off ft, just point out all the bull shit they have. Eventually one of the ft mains will start bitching and moaning.

You wanna piss off pred mains, lie about them being over powered and needing nerfs.

You wanna piss ppl off who actually want balance in this game, blindly choose a side and defend it with the stupidest arguments you can find.


hahahah pretty much true.

Also just wanna say.

This meme was perfect. Thank you for this.

It honestly applies to anything you write.

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