Fireteam leaving and penalties.

So there’s clearly an issue with players leaving before Predators can claim, and I think that needs to be addressed.

However there’s an opposite issue as well.

Once reinforcements have been called, and you have been claimed you STILL can’t leave without losing all rewards from the match. This penalty needs to be removed.

There is absolutely zero reason to stick around just spectate other surviving players for the rest of the match, which can sometimes take ages.

**Suggestion: **

If the following 2 criteria have been met.

- Reinforcements have already been called.
- You have been claimed OR have bled out.

Allow Fireteam members to leave the game, while still receiving their end-match rewards.


Making people stay is stupid. If they wanted to stay they would party up…

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Its the same on Pred side too.

Honestly its like you said.

At the point of no return you should be able to leave. FT can still win if a guy escapes but that’s a detail. Over all this is the main issue.

As for preds claims. The body should stay and be quick claimable.

As for preds claims. The body should stay and be quick claimable.

100% this. Really fixes the problem as well.

I already posted a for for penalities. and your reason right here shows bad game behavior. You leave you don’t earn any exp. simple. Keep leaving and you should get matched with other quitters or have a longer wait time for finding games.

They’ll need to fix disconnects first.



But there’s no logic behind your stance here.

I addressed your concerns with the criteria requirement.

If quitting in no way punishes the people you are playing with, then why is it an issue?
What are you worried about exactly?

How can the game recognize if the ft claimed will win the game (thanks to his teamate) or lose? Unfortunatly it’a fine that if you leave the game you don’t get xp and veritanium in my opinion.

How can the game recognize if the ft claimed will win the game (thanks to his teamate) or lose?

I don’t understand what you mean here?

The game doesn’t need to recognise this.
You obviously should not be awared ‘victory’ rewards when you leave.
You just get what you have earned up until that point.

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Yeah so in return for not waiting for your team to die or get to the chopper you just miss out on a little xp I’d be cool with that

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Exactly! :)

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