Fireteam nerf rework


Listed are problem classes and builds. Bulleted are how you fix them.

Tanky Dante? Field Medic, Thick Skin, OWLF training and Body armor or Iron Lungs

  • Field Medic only gives more health on revive, no accelerated revive
  • sprint Damage resistance reduced to 10%
  • fanatic only increases sprint speed, increased to 15%

Close combat damage? Dutch 87, Bane, Heavy Hitter, Gear Head with Fanatic

  • fanatic only increases sprint speed, increased to 15%

Bring a support field medic with dexterous and owlf, one second revives, tanky as fuck and you give your buddies even more health

  • Field Medic only gives more health on revive, no accelerated revive
  • Support passive reduced to 10% Damage Reduction

Scout duelist with 1011, double time and bane for that extra kick when you stop sprinting

  • sprint Damage resistance reduced to 10%
  • Duelist reduced to 10% damage
  • post sprint Damage reduced to 10%

Recon sniper with tracker perk, nuff said

  • Tracker perk changed from 2x multiplier to additive by +2 seconds spot time

OWLF spotter with ice cold and you are basically invisible in night maps

  • OWLF operative is fairly limited in Damage and Utility, so I would leave this alone

Assault, being the most versatile class is the least broken, but can also be broken as well, fanatic, deadly, you can go high damage or tanky, neither as strong as with others, but strong nonetheless

  • fanatic only increases sprint speed, increased to 15%


  • extra damage starts at 20m
  • health increased to 140

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Decrease knife dmg on Support + Dutch87.

Increase knife dmg on Dutch25.

These suggestions are kaka.

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Make a perk that increases running speed at the cost of doing less damage or having less health. I NEED to be fast!

These threads reached the point that they’re only funny…

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Play another game, problem solved.

Check discord, homeslice

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