Fixing The Balance

Here are some of my suggestions for how to make the game more balanced.

  • Make it so that the fireteam can’t interact with future objectives before finishing their current objective. This will help to prevent the fireteam from finishing the mission very quickly. All objectives should be a bit longer. The predator should have some kind of gear item to disrupt the mission as well.

  • Fireteam resources: The fireteam is already powerful enough, but the fact that they have ample med kits and ammo crates everywhere just makes things even more difficult for the pred. The number of ammo crates and med kits on the map should be reduced. The ammo bags and med kits that the fireteam brings should be nerfed. The ammo of all weapons should be reduced too.

  • Fireteam damage output: The fact that one fireteam player can out-damage the pred in a 4v1 game is ridiculous. There needs to be major nerfs to all the meta weapons. If not a damage nerf, at least nerf the firerate of the Sawz. The 1011 pistol needs a nerf, that weapon is way too powerful.

  • Predator damage output: The predator’s damage is so pathetic in comparison to the fireteam. A combistick throw should instantly down someone. A disc hit should also down someone instantly. Headshots should do more damage. The plasma pistol was great in the previous patch, I don’t know why it got nerfed.

  • Predator HP: Honestly, it feels like the fireteam has more hp than the predator lol. It takes a million arrows to down Dante and Supports. All fireteam players can just keep using the syrettes over and over again while the pred tries to down them. All preds should have the same amount of health as the Amazon.

  • Stealth: Why do the preds make so much noise?? It wasn’t like this in the movie lol. Fireteam shouldn’t be able to hear the pred’s vision mode turning on. The cloak sound shouldn’t be super loud. Why do the tree branches make noise when pred jumps on it?

I might add more to this list later.


  • Fireteam Classes: Dante needs a nerf. Dante has too much hp and is too fast. The 10% damage reduction that the Support class gives to the team should be removed. Even though the Scout has the least hp of all the fireteam classes, it still takes three arrows to down them?? Dutch 87 needs to get nerfed too.

Edit #2:

  • Fireteam Classes’ Passives: Support classes give the fireteam about 20% damage reduction. The fireteam already has so much health and damage output that this damage reduction is just overkill at this point. The Dutch damage resistance is also excessive.

I agree 100%

Here’s a hot take though.

Add bullet drop. Most “top tier” players would go from good to trash overnight.

Reduce FT damage globally by 20%

Add 3 more FT members on a team for a total of 7

Among other things, I feel these would help balance the game too. Illfonic let bad players run around like bratty kids at a playground… without supervision. Considering how attitudes are on this game, not unlike DBD, most of them act like fuckin kids anyway

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I agree with adding bullet drop. It’s unfair how most of the predator’s weapons are projectile based and require more skill to use than the fireteam’s weapons. Bullet drop will help to make the sniper more balanced too.

Yup, fireteam damage should be nerfed. One person shouldn’t be able to kill the predator by themselves. In Evolve, one player wasn’t able to defeat the monster by themselves. They needed to work together to secure a win.

I don’t know about adding 3 more players though, I feel like that would complicate the balance of the game.

One of the best fireteam players I’ve fought against is a literal kid lol. That kid is a monster with the sniper and pistol.

I wish FT would not be able to select the same character.

The four Dante clones were a pain.

Yeah, true. Dante in general needs to be nerfed.

Dealing with multiple Dantes and multiple Supports can be annoying.

Bro don’t even get me started on Evolve. Released way ahead of its time, wish they’d re-release it now, there just wasn’t an asymmetrical audience back then. Worst part is that they heavily banked on competitive pvp but it never got to see its full potential

Another thing I forgot to add is permanently disabling rein during public matches. Optional in privates. If you’ve already got 7, there’s no need to allow reinforcements to enable up to 13 kills. In the book, Stalking Shadows, Havana(Dutch’s team) always has 10 members, but typically suffers at least 2-3 casualties depending on the Predator. I’m not sure how’d 10 FT players would go over but it’d require major reworks on just about everything aside from movement. Regardless, I think 7 without rein would be agreeable

Yeah, Evolve was a fun game. I liked Evolve’s reinforcement system better than the one in this game. In Evolve, the players would have less health when they came back. I feel like something like that should happen in this game.

Illfonic would have to make a lot of changes to the game if they changed the number of fireteam players. It sounds like an interesting idea though

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I agree, but I doubt if dante will be nerfed. In my country, there are people who are critical of developers nerfing paid DLC characters.

Maybe we need a team composition system like evolve.

I am using Google Translate, so I apologize if there are any unclear points.

Illfonic did nerf the Predator DLC characters though, so I think they could nerf the fireteam DLC characters too.

Yeah, but then Illfonic would have to make a lot of changes to the game. I don’t know if they’re capable of doing something like that.

I understand what you’re saying

was said many times, they will never do it, would take a few minutes to decrease ft dmg but they are lazy

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