Former Evolve Pro Feedback+ PerkInfo + Important numbers

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Lol. Thanks a lot! Downrange doesn’t affect the bow??? Wtf lol


Yep. And this strange.

By the way, have you checked whether perk Down Range affects spear throw damage?

It sadly does not

Spear throw dmg stays the same at everytime, no class or perk affect it

I’ve also been wanting to know this

If I remember correctly during testing the only factor that influences the dmg of the spear throw is if you headshot it

Great info…I wish I had someone to test with. The one thing I have been dying to know is if using a ps4 controller and moving at the lowest speed possible while crouched keeps you invis as you creep or not.

So, in the best case, for a combo shot of a bow + a spear throw, you do 237 damage if you didn’t hit the head. Well, it kills everyone but the support soldier’s health

crouching doesnt do anything for you, only by standing still you can keep the “full invis”

Right but by crouching you can move slower is what I mean.
I understand you don’t need to crouch to be invis tho.

Bow + spear throw (no headshot)
70 + 115 = 185‬

It always felt like those “perks” were just…there so this all makes sense

alright, let me say different, ANY sort of movement will break full invis, dont matter the speed

Thats Change everything! My scout bow build looks usless from now

Still enough for an assaut and a scout.

That is true, but when you can hit a full charged bow shot and the spear throw ontop of it, why not go for full charged plasme caster then?

Because even when you charge a plasma gun with lenses, tracking you is not difficult. Another thing is onions; it’s burst out of nowhere.

I get what you saying, but thats why you hide the “lense”, and tracking the predator isnt difficult at any times, with or without bow, but dude if it works for you then it works