Forum Activity Dying Down?

Both are related. But dying is like your own perspective.shitty matchmaking doesn’t mean it’s dying.I hate having to explain every little shit thing.

I couldn’t care if it’s dying but you called out PS4
players only, and I wish to know why?
What about the PC players not liking the game?
This is PC entitlement at its finest



What? You don’t know the problems ps4 base has? You must be living on the highway!

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I’m asking why did you only call out PS4 players

I know the problems

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Case closed

At this point if u have the base ps4 u either are a pc gamer or not a gamer. All gamers upgraded regardless of what platform. I have no grips with this game on my latest ps4 pro. Or even the latest ps4 slim. The base ps4 is like trying to play a pc game on a mac

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So people who don’t spend on intergenerational console upgrades that only marginally improve in performance are not gamers? That some serious headfuckery right there.

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Yep. The onion has spoken

Now to be serious.

Yes you are still a gamer if you own the base ps4.

The base ps4 was always flawed so it it is still running fine that’s awesome. But you are also a gamer if you want to better your console so we are both gamers

You love moving the goal-posts when it suits you. Just like yesterday.


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It @Fire isn’t it


@Gonk-Droid 's identity, my guess is @Fire

No I shall protect the mighty GONK’S identity

To late, I’ve been in contact GONK’s true identity for some time now

Ah I see

I’m just taking the month off