Forum Administration and Moderation

Nah, you’re actively trying to preserve a status quo where YOU are the only types of people who get to enjoy this. I invite you to continue to fail as you are.

That was my thread, which you totally derailed with your bullshit… Take a break sure because you’ve been called out again. Make it a long one. You don’t even play this game apparently, so why are you here except for drama and suck up attention? Seriously, go back to Tumblr where you will find all the happiness and platitudes you think you’re entitled to.

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You aren’t smart. Video games don’t exist in a vacuum that makes them racism proof.

That was my mistake, but General Discussion seemed appropriate because it was franchise related.

No, just trying to keep stupid politics and “muh Elder Class is gender locked therefore the Devs are being sexist!” bullshit out of this forum and game.

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and I’m not even offended. :)
I hope you have a nice day, and manage to not let people on a forum upset you so much.
What people here think of you doesn’t matter. :)

Hi, I’m Slasher nice to meet you again.

If you don’t want to fight/argue with someone don’t. If they pursue it the mods have every reason to do something about it.
If the only information or contact with trans people they have, is low rent propaganda peddled by hypocrites, who are both simultaneously against cancel culture and trying to cancel other culture.
You change them not by fighting but by being here, by posting reasonably and as yourself.

Look forward to talking more in the future, I like different points of view.

PS. Venn, I dragged your post off topic a dozen times and you never said boo to me. Don’t be that guy who picks a fight cause a thread got locked. If you don’t want to discuss politics, don’t.


Another person (You), disingenuously posting, who also has an irrational hatred of anything sjw or lefty.

Your thread was part of the problem.

Akkad is a fascist, and not someone remotely agreeable to any kind of ToS btw @Courier. He’s not an individual that is 13 and up friendly. He’s a rather terrible individual.

yo moderaters just lock this thread already jesus

Again, you’re trying desperately to preserve a status quo. With selfish motivations. Everything is political, or nothing is. Your arguments aren’t even arguments. They’re bait disguised as arguments designed to troll me into emotionally reacting, which you aren’t going to accomplish anymore.

Also you’re literally free to post away from me and complain about me all you want but even after I spell out that you’re harassing me you continue.

No, he’s a neo-libertarian.

I’m not mad cos it got locked, and enjoyed your little button thought experiment. There’s usually no malice when you go off topic…the OP however has an agenda.

Pretty um… lacking in nuance whatsoever about the languages the oppressed speak with. All you’re really saying boils down to “respectability” politics. Which is easy to say when you’re not the one who, again, was already having suicide implied towards them before you’ve ever even had an argument with anyone .

Those are your personal opinions, not facts. And facts don’t care about your feelings. Deal with it.

Facts don’t care about anyone’s feelings, either. That goes for you, and the facts are that Carl Benjamin is very much against the ToS, and unsafe for girls, women, disabled people, lgbt people and the list goes on. The mods and admins claim to me that stuff like misogy, ableism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and all that are against their stance and their mission to make this a safe and inclusive place. If they mean what they say then Carl Benjamin is very much the antithesis of everything I just wrote.

Deal with it, because those facts don’t care about your feelings.

@VENN7eance and @Come2WhingeStay4fun
Since neither of you can play nice even after the warning I made in this very thread, I’m giving both of you a 3 day ban.

Stop behaving like children and lashing out when others have a different opinion than you. Stop going into threads you disagree with just to antagonize other users. Stop responding to others with personal attacks. Don’t start or partake in topics that are obviously controversial if you can’t take differing opinions.


Damn it, I was typing…


Yeah I was waiting for you to finish before I locked the thread.


Ok, well, I’m done. They carried on and I did warn them both, thank you.

I’ll just have to work that thought out, for 3 days from now.