Forum consensus

It wasn’t toxic.

I just wasn’t nice.

This forum is here for a reason. To engage us into the game. They’re ruining that engagement which hurts them in the process.

Besides how are you going defend fine’s and zealot’s bans?

You said yourself you were being toxic. Lmao its just and expression to sum up they are the authority here, sure user engagement is the goal but doesn’t mean everything should be permitted on the users side and its up to the moderators to moderate whats on here


No I didn’t

Not being nice and toxic are seperate things

Pleas don’t tell me you think they’re one and the same

Explain to me how memes in general hurt the forum. Give a logical explanation please.

Memes aren’t fine but porn is.

How is that competent in any way?

And I like how absolutely no one has explained how Fine and Zealot deserved their bans.

Please don’t make me go and read back what you said I cant be assed but you did say that you were being toxic in the post but it still isn’t grounds to ban coz there’s a p0rn thread somewhere. Is it literal porn with genitalia?. They said they’re okay with memes what they’re likely not okay with is when threads degrade to pure shit post memes that isn’t constructive in any way

Tbh I reckon just take the ban on the chin and move on and accept shit posting is a thing if the past

No I didn’t

I just did what you can’t be bothered to and reread our conversation.

I said I wasn’t nice. Not that I was toxic.

The topic is porn. That’s considered on topic.

How is talking about porn constructive?



That’s what Feedback and off topic is for.

I like how you still haven’t explained how either Fine’s and Zealot’s bans were justified still.

What are we supposed to do tip toe around the forum?

Clearly some one else can get me banned so what am I supposed to do about that?

Weird. It is responding to @Eshtion but is tied to my comment.

Error does not compute

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alright i’m just going to do this once

so the NSFW thing techincally the GD thread wants us to makes posts related to the game and i suppose predator to some extent

since technically it’s not ToS to talk about how much you wanna get crushed by some predator cheeks the mods are ok with it so long as someone doesn’t post a PNG of some predator pussy lips i guess it’s fine

The fine ban is absolutley something worth fighting over as it seems they were banned for simply getting the mods ire

as for Zealot don’t know the finer details nor do we have illfonic’s so just take the ban

now how are meme’s harmful they derail/flood threads unneccisarily when GD is supposed to be about the game or i suppose the franchise generally speaking i’d assume a meme here and there are fine but when it floods a thread/threads it becomes tiresome to go through the thread specially when most of the memes are inside jokes

is community interaction good usually yes
however right now i wouldn’t say community interaction is positive thing cause simply put the game isn’t changing in a way you or I would say is positive if the game isn’t getting better why bother flooding GD or OT with threads for community engagement?

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And I suggest a fairly simple solution. That’s already in place just needs to be tweaked.

So every thread has a Summary Button. And It has some fancy algorithm that’s already in place that filters 90% of the off topic back and forth and memes out and focuses on the main points.

If the GD thread had it so the button turned off the summary instead of it being the way it is now.

All the users are ”safe” in the terms of the Terms of use. Or whatever. The memes can stay and the Devs have less to worry about clean up ways because the Newbies and the occasional posters wont even realize the button is there. Boom fixed the meme issue

So when you summarize this 200+ topic it becomes 60+ with no memes in sight and no derailment can be see.

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ill take ya word for it since i cant be assed looking back, memes in the form of reactions and answers aren’t its when shit degrades to shit posts that it hurts the forums because it clogs up the place, theres only one female pred thread but there were so many shit post threads which made it a pain in the ass to filter out the nonsense for proper engagement about the game and its universe. so yeah again many threads were derailed by shit post memes but ive yet to see a normal thread be derailed by yautja thighs or seen multiple threads clogging the GC with yautja ass

its like saying yo lets deal with that puddle thats happening during a flood

That’d be fine except they themselves have said that they allow flexibility.

The porn thread has the same problem as off topic posts. It takes away attention from the game. Even if it is about predators.

So it doesn’t even follow their reasoning for what is and isn’t allowed. Which means it’s only up because they enjoy it. That’s abuse of power.


Well Illfonic could of clarified given the hundred of times I’ve shared it

Either way they’ll have a chance to explain and fight for their side.

Sometimes conversations go somewhere else. And does it really happen enough to be a problem and limit conversations like “dumbest arguments on the thread?”

True we constantly trash on the game but it allows us to vent and distract ourselves from the game being bad.

Besides the way the mods are going has actually hurt the community considering some of us have left PHG because of this.

That’s the funniest part. They decided it was better to pay more attention to the forum than the game… despite the fact there’s maybe 20 of us actively here, and that number has now dropped even lower.

All because they wouldn’t tolerate people posting off topic in GD. Hope it was worth it, those were paying customers.

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I know. Madison has left already because of her bans.

And all it was made us more unruley.

Has it even done anything?

Sure GD is clean but now we’re all shouting at each other for n off topic.

Congratulations. Things are exactly the same except now you have less customers.

You mean the one girl who played this game? Well shit who the fuck am I supposed to master now… no sluts = no master x.

Lets be honest no one was gonna buy anything after this anyway.

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How often does it happen that the entire GD needs to be put on lockdown?

Doesn’t matter.

My “dumbest arguments” thread was serious.

The problem is off topic posts according to the mods.

Doesn’t matter if it’s porn and not jokes. It’s still something that takes focus away from conversations of the game. It’s exactly the same in every point the mods “care” about.

There were a couple threads a day. It’s not hard to look at the first couple in the GD list.

It’s more than derailment. In fact the majority of the issues have been entire threads being closed


Ironically that’s what your doing with my arguments

Ya but do we really need to make it worse _master_X?

Proper communication could even Improve people’s views by communicating better.

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Oof that stings

Ironically the way to make it better is yes, less communication and less involvement. Yall mods can’t behave. We’re closing the forum.

They dont really answer questions due to contractual stipulations stopping them from giving yes/no answers on anything. The most they do is ask if we’ve deleted the save game file or turned 3d audio off. Then ban threads. Shits boring now.

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Not sure how since shit posting was more of an issue than a single thread that dissappears for weeks at a time. Oh I seen those threads didn’t look much into them since it gave the impression it was made to start shit posts

No they were serious. A place to laugh at stupid people.