Forum consensus

More so being able to talk about what we want in GD as well as an end to the hypocrisy and lies shown by Kass

Yeah and it tells me that under constitutional rights a company can not restrict any of there customers rights right from google there rere

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Id think this was written with legal considerations in mind.

No, the First Amendment does not limit private employers . The Bill of Rights — and the First Amendment — limit only government actors, not private actors. This means that private employers can restrict employee speech in the workplace without running afoul of the First Amendment.


unless government intervention companies even american ones have the right to limit speech and deny service if they so choose


Thats only to there employees not there customers.

Customers are still protected under the 1st. Sure they can delete the comments and thread but any email or any outside communication is protected.

I can’t quite find anything here about private forum restrictions unless we refer to this

Third, with respect to “[p]ublic property which is not by tradition or designation a forum for public communication,” the government “may reserve the forum for its intended purposes, communicative or otherwise, as long as the regulation on [sic] speech is reasonable and not an effort to suppress expression merely because public officials oppose the speaker’s view.

Last I checked, back in high school, a company based in the United States cannot restrict any constitutional rights. But I dunno anymore, not with our new management… Don’t try and make this a legal battle, that’s money waiting to be burned

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That is actually true. As long as you are not using Illfonic’s forum, you can say whatever you want without Illfonic moderators being able to edit your communication.


Well i got a cease and desist a few months back for emailing them to fix there game. So they are in violation of the 1st

Were you the one that was sending death threats? That’s the only cease and desist that’s been posted on the forums.

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No. Thats @Thunder-Cats

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I know the FT destroyed his PRED mask and made fun of him, but isn’t it going a bit far?

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right but there is a such hing as public and private forums currently most courts have ruled social media Reddit Twitter Facebook are private as they are hosted as private servers and therefore are not subject to the first amendment

and a private forum is like someone’s house or a workplace

where as a public forum is like your comedy clubs and grocery store which is subject to 1st amendment

albeit i assume there are multiple court cases to try and overrule/challenge these decisions and i imagine someday the supreme court will get involved as we can all agree Facebook and Twitter sure do control alot of discourse now a days


I’m just making up a scenario where a PRED main would be so infuriated as to send death threats

“in a recent case, an appellate court held that the official Twitter page operated by then President Donald Trump was a designated public forum. As a result, government officials could not engage in viewpoint discrimination by blocking individuals from posting comments with critical views of the President and his policies.”

“In contrast, a private person or organization’s social media page is not a public forum and is not protected by the First Amendment.”

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Mark Zuckerberg will likely be going to jail innthe next few months due to the fbi currently looking into there involvement with political issues.

possibly for right now it is illfonic’s right to choose what can and can’t be said and there is nothing we can do about it but go elsewhere

because this site would fall under “Private forum.”

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Idk guys, I’m not a big fan of Kass acting like a discord mod here, which, I’m sorry Kass, but I’ve moderated and large and highly active discord servers, some nsfw, and our behavior is quite similar, almost identical. Although not illegal, it tends to rile up and upset members. Unchecked, it leads to complete destruction of the server/forum. Disgruntled members will create antiyournamehere propaganda and that eventually spreads to many other members and even people who haven’t heard of your server/forum. Thus, toppling any reputation you’ve built up.

This can be a hard job, mentally daunting, and heavily stressful, I for one understand and would encourage your team members to back you up in these situations. So far, I haven’t seen any other registered moderator here help with these issues since the start of September. That’s on me, perhaps, but if I haven’t seen them, it’s highly likely most others haven’t either. I’m going to hope that you’re at least in contact with your team to help guide you on these decisions as any wrong word can lead to your crucifixion. Once again, please, be careful how y’all handle this.


Mark Zuckerberg found out that Facebook was being used to coordinate genocide and decided to not change anything in the algorithm because it would hurt engagement numbers. Illfonic isn’t in the same circumstances.

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Furthermore, I’d ask the rest of us members to chill the fuck out. I don’t agree with Illfonic and haven’t lately, I most likely won’t be supporting them until further notice, but we’re getting into shit now that shouldn’t even be a concept in our minds. I mean, when shit like this happens, the gates are about to break open. And I sure as hell ain’t going to be around for that