You didn’t kill me so no. You left the job half done and then made excuses when you lost. I used to think you were a champ that the forums could look up to but now? Now you’re just a chump who can’t stop making excuses. Shame.

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“excuses”? it’s RIGGED #FACT

Anybody record this? Just curious.

Shame. The once proud champ now an excuse making has been hopped up on performance enhancing substances. How the mighty fall.

144 here.

tweaks have been made to load out. Cell tech is now being injected straight into the bloodstream. I pity you. your best bet is to hit “cancel” if you see me in the lobby

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Nah, probably should of lol.
It wasnt anything serious tho, we were all joking around having fun.

This all honestly just a show.
WWF style beef.


Well in which case have me next time, I’m probably the biggest wrestling fan on this forum. I’ll cut a fat promo on Jimbo, challenge him to an arm wrestling contest, and cry when he gets Stacy Keibler as his “valet”.


Lol you still need to have your initiation match xD.

We only use the rocket launcher, you only wrist blades.

Unlimited ammo and both sides get 400% hp.



Maybe a few more modifications too lol.

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play me now. what’s your name on the id?

When you talk shit on the forums, and you tell everybody that you’re number one, the only way that you get to stay number one is to be number one. And the best way to do that, is MassTech, to stay fucking huge!!!
Drink up champ.

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finally something that’s “SCIENTIFICALLY SUPERIOR”. Usually its just some meat heads opinion. Can’t wait bro. gonna get HUGE!!!

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Subject gained 5x the mass in 8 weeks.
Which means you’ll gain 15x the mass in just 5 weeks. Since you’re genetically superior to the common man.

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Bro I’m down for that, mod it up, make it fun. Playing with the same basic shit is boring. I don’t have any plans so far today, so I’ll be on later if anyone wants to do something.

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Oooh let me tell the others

Science is just math. And genetic freaks like us are the mathematicians that rule the world.

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no that’s @PerinsesuKenniii @Anonymous.Voorhees13 and @YautjaSymbiote when they play Jim 😂

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How many more times are you going to tag me trying to rile me up?
What do you even want