
Just make out already.

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should of seen @PerinsesuKenniii’s excuses, shit like ‘let us reboot next time’ that shit was some of the funniest shit i have seen regarding PHG

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@MaadieTheBaadie watch that math video. How the fuck he get all that math right while being fucking wired lol 😂
He wasn’t reading off a prompter either.

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you held my torch for a while, just returning the favour brah

Idk what you mean by that but ok

When the hell did I say “reboot”?

He wants all of us to have a fat tug n’ plug party with him, that’s why he keeps tagging us.

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Oh okay, this ain’t about that though. This is about how how SUPER SLAM MONDAY went down and how the former former champ can’t handle the full might of the Melon.

Go on

Will there be appetizers?

on the other thread, let us reboot next time is what you said, but Jim has no MERCY


If you could find that quote that would be nice, I’d like to see the context of that, might have been a typo. Rebooting wouldn’t help lol

Obviously the CHAMP took it easy on you guys and used his weak class if he would have brought his Beserker with combi he would be calling you guys Eleanors because you would be gone in 60 seconds #GETSOME

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The “champ” got shown why isn’t the champ.
He got beat like a red headed step child.

Reinforce isn’t rebooting…
If you seriously calling it that you’re beyond lame.

He’s English mate, simple language barrier. He was enjoying tea and crumpets and used his broken American English incorrectly, I think we can forgive him for that. Doesn’t change the fact that the CHAMP made him BEG for Reinforcements. #EARN IT

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Oh got ya.
Still he isn’t the champ.
As shown yesterday.

@WkEkse look at this. Looks like someone wants to get packed up and kicked out of our jungle.
Who else wants to join?

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