That the same excuse you handed to StUrMi?

I’d kill you all again and you know it.

Leave me in peace.

He got his ass handed to him, he ain’t champ.

Show them a good time

he’s maddie’s CHAMP

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so revive not rein? you also tried being clever, and failed, next.

like you leave others in peace and never tag people? eat a dick son

That’s not “rebooting”.

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You’re my champ, dicky wicky, you know this.

i’m not friends with JIM ( sad face )

Did I name it reinforce?

And it’s called reinforcing because its supposed to be a new crew.

So lore wise it makes sense.

You’re digging a hole for yourself their buddy.

Btw let me know how the match goes.

Match is over lol

best 2 out of 3

I thought I was your champ?
See this is why were divorced.

Anything for you Champ


Indeed .


Champ… you dont have to close the lobby lol

Tricky Wicky’s hickey’s and dicky makes me all shlicky shlicky, ya dig?