Good thing is grown men don’t care if win or lose. Just want good challenges to have fun.


good thing I’m no grown man

Try now.

then Jim is all you need, the CHAMP has nothing but fun and CellTech running through his veins

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Bruh Pred always host. Come on man
Y’all quit trying to cheat Jim


Ok ok. No need to be obvious…

I go to invite but you don’t show up

i second this, we need to see Jim has a fair shot at GLORY

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What are you talking about ? … I never said anyone else should host 😂

Do you wanna stop tagging me anytime soon?
Nobody gives a shit if I lost to Jim. We played 2 matches and I lost so what? Move on and stop wanking over it.

I could bring up how I kicked your ass with your full team all the time but I don’t.

were just here as JUDGE, JURY and EXECUTIONER for the fair trial of the CHAMP


In the private lobby press triangle.
Then press square to refresh.

And I do appreciate the build up😂
We should make it a Netflix series

all the time? played us once with a full team and that was only cause half of them hadn’t been playing. God Bless little Billy, enjoy your tags

Let’s get 2 more

Wick , you wanna join ?

add me bruh

if JIM allows me, i am a huge fan of his. i don’t want any hard feelings

Jim … Invite Wick

No dumb ass, to reboot would be to restart a person.
You’re reviving them.

Since they are organic beings and not cybernetic, it makes no fucking sense.

You tried being clever.
You failed.

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