Found this on reddit, though it was funny.

I’m working my gutterals and highs atm

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False chords was alot easier for me me than Fry thats for sure lol.

I have a vision of a new genre called numetaldethslamcore lol

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I love Nu Metal it needs to come back imo, what I really want to do Is electronic metalcore using actual instruments though I hate all the computer generated stuff.

How do you mean electronic but with real instruments? Like the band Ahumado Granujo or something? Where it’s a mix?

Using post effects, basically using software to change how it sounds, like the Bass guitar is a really heavy sub bass if that makes sense.

Kinda of like this still need a midi to do some of this stuff though.

I like that! It reminds me of the movie grandma’s boy lol at least the intro part I love that movie!!

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Im a big fan of 8 bit and 15 bit chiptune, if and when I get started on music Im definitely going to implement into my sound.

that one guy who left P:HG but sees that sticker on the game :


all the sudden theres a TMNT Fireteam Costume pack for halloween LOL

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