Free Jungle Hunter 87 skin

Of course…UK gets everything good, medical, warhammer 40k, monarchs 😞

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Yeah we ain’t got it as good as you might like to think 😁


Nope. I’m not gonna open the link but this is what’s gonna happen: It’s gonna give you something for free, it’s gonna do a fake loading bar, then it’s gonna ask you to complete a survey or sign up for some spam email, and then there’s gonna be some error and you’re gonna have to do it again.

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After I read your comment I went to click on it for fun and yuuup that’s exactly what happened.

Well besides the email thing because I didn’t complete it.

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So how come, people that paid attention to the development of this game, should see the 1 incentive for financially backing this game (other than the franchise itself), be given to the general playing public?

Outside of YOU folks that missed out on the pre-order and are now upset you can’t unlock 87. (No matter your personal circumstance)

I’m not sure what people think they are asking for, when they ask for this to happen. It isn’t just a skin, its the incentive folks received for being FANS and supporting this game, you’re asking people to give up.

I for one don’t feel the general playing POP should have use of the skin to customize,but maybe have 87 as a player character in a mode (maybe a val verde style mission/map). You get to play as 87 and the people whom pre-ordered have the capability to do as they wish with the model.

I’m also open for pre-order backers to receive a more exclusive incentive, if all this whinning and crying keeps up. Another exclusive legendary pred maybe?

This way people LITERALLY have nothing to complain about ESPECIALLY since the game is 7 months old.

Ps. I Would trust these codes as much as a diving oxygen tank, filled up with CO2.


That’s why I made a post about give not JH87 to everyone but instead his armor
Jungle Hunter 87’s Armor for everyone


Was helping so I posted this lol

Well, I want the armor of ch 97 free for all

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And viking too. but the classes don’t, with the armor it ok to me … I don’t think those who bought it legitimately get angry about it … or yes? people are very strange …

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If we were to get JH87’s armor we would definitely get the rest
Viking on Elder
CH on Berserker
Elder on Samurai
The combinations would be awesome

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Well unfortunately posting here isn’t helping 😅


Crucified Predator is cooler

That’s the same place I got my preorder code from, the guy is a legend. He sells preorder codes for so many games too. He’s doing the Lord’s work, and it was the best €6 I’ve ever spent.

Dude, don’t be fooled by what the media and the left say about our health system here. The NHS is a joke for one with horrendous waiting times. And two, it isn’t free healthcare because we have National Insurance deducted from our wages. Also, we have to pay for our prescriptions. And worst of all, we don’t have a right to bear arms so our government basically treat us like shit.

Give me America, your healthcare system and the 2nd Amendment anyday over this farce we have here.

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America is on the verge of total socialism/communism

It’s about to be a warzone

You’re not gonna want to be here when it happens

They found trucks with bombs in them for the election

Aw man I’m sorry

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taking into account that the countries with the right to carry weapons are those that have the highest number of homicides … for example: in the United States in the last 10 years there have been more murders by firearms than American soldiers died in the 2 ° world gerra. and the defense of the Americans to be armed is an old law enacted so that everyone would be ready to defend themselves against possible reprisals from King George of the English empire … it is time to reform it

It’ll never happen, too many red blooded Patriots will step in and exercise the 2nd. I firmly believe the good American people will handle that of it happens. The Republican party will make huge gains next month, trust me and the Commie clean up can begin. Champagne socialists think it’s a utopia they’re going to create, and are completely ignorant to the truth that Socialism and Communism have killed more people than fascism ever did. Have faith, Communism will never succeed.

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