FT boringly easy

I’ve played a lot of solo private matches, especially on derailed and overgrowth, and it certainly helps to have good map knowledge. I’m familiar enough with the missions now that I know if they’ve chosen to spawn in a certain area which direction they are likely to go. If I’m unsure I’ll drop a motion detector in one path and head in other until I get a ping or spot them.

As far as reinforcements, yeah. I kinda know the locations but honestly? Unless the team is super strong and keeping me on my heels I’ll let them reinforce just to keep it interesting and maximize my fun. After waiting 15-20 minutes to play I like to keep the match long.

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It’s that once in a blue moon thing. I’ve had randos that stay grouped, pay attention to spots and just seem to communicate well/anticipate the team even without headsets…but it’s exceedingly rare and usually they’re completely incompetent running away solo and getting the team wiped within 2 minutes.

The Pred gameplay section claims that it’s a “failed hunt” if any prey escapes but…if I get 6 kills and 12,000 xp I’m counting that a win.

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Hell yeah

So Pred’s only win condition is “fireteam eliminated”, either by kills or by time out? I dunno, doesn’t feel right. I feel like some FT members escaping and some hanging from my belt is at least a partial victory. You certainly can’t call it a “win” for FT when only one gets on the chopper.

The guys kicked my ass easily 3 times in a row. There was no chance i could win, and i win nearly all my matches as predator. They didnt cheat, they didnt abuse spotting spam they didnt need to.

The things that really were frustrating me is the fact you get stuck on everything in the map, leap is just flying you straight up and down again making you a sitting duck. all predators ranged weapons leave him moving so slow hes just a big target.

Against a good squad like that, you cant win, i managed to down a 1 but needed to go for a pig or heal. i used so many pigs that the 5 in one place no longer seemed overpowered, but on regular games it feels like infinite heals…

I really struggle to see how to balance it for a squad like that and for average players too.

There is still a lot of work to do with this game, it just was not a challange for them or really fun because the outcome is already known.

GG to you guys and well try again after next patch or balance pass.


I’ve definitely had plenty of good challenges against Predators. It’s just not every single Predator unfortunately. Reminds me of F13 quite a bit. Bad Jasons were all over the place, but there were definitely good ones. Skill and tactics will sure improve the experiences on both sides with time and adjustments.

GG’s mate, was still fun, yeah rematch after the next balance patch ;)

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From your point of view what would make it more of a challange for you but not completely wreck the game for casuals? do you think its even possible?

Like if your weapons were given higher damage fall-off so they dont do high damage at range?
Reduce the manuveravility of the fireteam speed/stamina?
Change things about predator etc?

Yes we sure can, it was fun but so frustrating. i just wanted to pop in do some damage and get away but the clunk just got me stuck so much hehe.

GGs boys

Maybe a slight reduction of damage for PC FT players, but an increase of ammo? To balance out the dps between PS4 players.

Parry needs a nerf, sure block, but not stagger the pred… OR maybe after 3 parries the knife breaks? This way at least a run in and hit and run isnt totally futile and just risking your 2nd wind.

Finally spotting, Maybe have the spotting mark a compass location/direction for everyone, rather than a psychic link to the whole squad that follows you even out of LOS.

You knew exactly where i was at all times due to the lack of stealth becasue of the sounds.
I couldn’t reveal myself to get a shot off because i move so slow when aiming anything.
I felt like the SMG was doing the same damage to me regardless of range.

Do you think it would be too much for predator to move at a decent speed while aiming the bow or charging the plasma for example, so he can pop in and out quicker.

Also a lot of my shots were not where i was aiming and thats a big problem with the game. I suffered the stamina bug where it stops regenerating that meant i couldnt escape 1 or 2 times.

But i definitly felt like “i could do a lot more if it wasnt so clunky”
I really hope they fix that because not only are you fighting with the enemy you are fighting with the map traversal and the bugs etc.

Im now back to wnning all matches again in public games… lol
And thats no fun either.

Wouldnt hurt if the lighter preds were quieter rather than sounding like elephants. But the zerker would need to have a fix vs parry.

But for me the main thing is the sniper can hard-counter range easier, and the Parry can counter the melee too easily.

Makes it really hard for the pred to trade well unless he plasma spams and wears their HP and ammo down.

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Yeah plasma is so hard to use against a good sniper its just asking for no mask.
May as well be stood still.

maybe pre-made groups need some kind of nerf or a pred going against a pre-made party instead of randoms needs buff. but then you have premades that are shit lol… i dont know…

I said something in a thread about having rank system but not one that divides the playerbase.

What do you think to something like that.

well since this has happend now i would like to know Corsin22
what was your go to loadout in those games against uk_spawn
i’m just curious as currently there is a thread with the time to kill for all the guns in the game some of the guns in the game can kill the berzerker in 7 seconds or less and 6 of them can do so in one clip
this is the fear i have in place that eventually knowledge will pass around and players will start using the better equipment than the later predators already are for the most part using the best equipment available to them fireteams aren’t yet
but if/when they do it won’t be possible for predator to win
albeit this is a “on paper” arguement but i’m curious to know

Mixed it up a bit tbh,

First 2 games used the LMG with Vector.
Last one Used The Bolt action sniper rifle with colt pistol.

Obviously my team had their own loadouts, we sorta do a mix of weapons for different situations.

mmk yup that’s what i assume’d LMG has the highest dps output in the game currently the vector and the 3rd smg are tied for 2ndary weapons
and then the usualy sniper sort of set up
it’s good to know the on paper seems to hold up if it was to occur
thank you

now i’ll just bookmark this thread for anytime somebody tries to tell me fireteam isn’t op and predator mains just need to stop complain or the “but public game players are bad tho” when that’s not what i care about i care about the higher end of the game for balance
it’s nice to have something to point too

I was using bow, only ever managed to land 1 shot though as they always knew where i was so couldnt pop out of cover long enough.

Got a few plasma hits but always took more than i dealt or ended up hitting objects instead.

Got a down with melee but no time to claim. They were also doing the mission so its not like they ONLY focus on me and ignored it.

I mean i could have survived and just stayed back and kept trying to range it but its super ineffective and would have never got one before either game end or reinforcment.

Im really glad i had the experience because my mind was starting to think “oh, everything is balanced well now”

But thats only average pub games it seems ok. ahh i really am missing the good games where its back n forth.

ive had 2 games with a fireteam like this one of them the fireteam was just hunting me rather than the obj got obliterated only downed one couldn’t killl him
the other one they were trying to do obj i just happened to be their i killed 5 of them then died to the last 2
i had used everything i could even ran out of heals and had not enough time to wait for another 2nd wind
chopper was coming had to commit and uh that whole game it felt like what i was doing was the right thing but they just weren’t dieing as fast as i was

i only rely on plasma caster for my ranged dmg along with netgun or beartraps as i play on PS4 i don’t find the bow reliable in any way
otherwise i play a melee heavy leaping game i leap melee twice leap away always walking between swings to throw off melee timing if i’m feeling really confident (ie they are one of the 2 low hp classes) i go for a 3rd swing and get the down if i get a down i decide whether it’s best to shoot the kill or claim there otherwise i run behind things or leap around if they chase throw trap or netgun ready and repeat i always engage with either leap slam if their close enough or netgun if their in the open wilds or if there in a building i toss a beartrap inside or 2 to prevent some of them from moving course i shoot shots first before attempting it
i try to save a beartrap for reinforce so i can force one of them to die which i did in the other game and it worked but it costed me my last heal at that time
i have faced that 2nd team 3 times as it’s good practice and they have told me i’m the best melee focused predator they have faced thus far even though i didn’t win a single game