FT challenging grounds

Hey looking for the best FTs to test my pred.

Kinda been on a roll since the update.

Reply here if interested


Twitch.tv/ cleanyourguns


I play this game during the day sometimes

whats your predator build

Ass beads was his name

He’s for console players


Spectral awareness, light bent over, branch master




scout is an S tier predator

but you appear to have ruined him

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So what is the weakest pred buil you can think of?

berserker. period

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well i just beat you with 3 potatos, was that challenge good enough for you ?

overgrowth night just now

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even with disk you lost 1v1, you are so luck my teammates in pubs are always so braindead

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what pred was he using

jungle hunter 87

tracker is useless spec, fireteam is easy to find because ai always making a racket when ft is within 100 feet

wrong, its one of the best ones

not if they know what they are doing

my main smart disk build is with tracker cus i dont need dmg buff with disk


considering how fast the ai can pull alarms and spawn after 3.00 even decent teams usually can be easy to find even if they are fully mudded

at least thats what ive noticed

tracker is for vs the last players that are mudded and going for reinforcements, if they have brain they wont be alerting ai on camps


i guess i can see how that would be useful. ft mission is complete and they are going to reinforce and call chopper

I rarely have ft complete mission , with tracker you can cockclock radio and mission objetives

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You dummy I recorded your lil dik racist ass. You force lagged the match.

Your workout videos are a joke post a real pic of you get off sam sulek nut sack

I see why most the cool ppl abandon this forum and the game…tried to give you losers a chance. I’m good man.

If you know you know.

It’s been fake pz

The hell even is that

The amount of coping, to think you are a day one player